InsaneScouter - The Den Chief Cords Recognition - Ceremonies Cub Scout

The Den Chief Cords Recognition


PERSONNEL: Akela (Cubmaster), a Cub Scout, the new Den Chief, an older Den Chief or Den Leader, and the new Den Chief's Den Leader.

EQUIPMENT: Two 4-foot lengths of rope made of yarn; one blue, one yellow, a table; a Den Chief's handbook; and a scroll.

ARRANGEMENT: On Akela's right stands a Cub Scout holding the rope of blue yarn; on his left, an older Den Chief (or Den Leader) holds the rope of yellow yarn. On the table is the Den Chiefs Handbook.

AKELA: Cub Scouts and friends of Pack ____, we wish to recognize a new leader who will serve as Den Chief of Den ____. (Read from scroll if necessary) I, Akela, chief of the Webelos, pondered long into the night who should lead the young Cub Scouts of our Pack. An important council was held with the Scoutmaster, chief of our older brothers, to choose this important leader. Now, we call to the council the chosen one, Scout _______ of Troop ____.

(Pointing to blue rope) This blue totem represents the Cub Scout pack with all its Cub Scouts, leaders, and parents --- also the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack.

This gold totem (Points to the yellow rope) represents the Scout troop, its leaders, the Scout Oath, and Law.

You will notice that the ropes are made up of many strands, representing all the boys in the troop and pack. Let us bind together these ropes into a bond of friendship. (The Cub Scout and the Den Chief/Leader each grasp an end of the two ropes and twist in opposite directions) You now see these symbols become the totem of the den chief's office. This is known as the Den Chief's cord. You will notice that our new Den Chief is wearing this shoulder cord encircling his right sleeve. This badge of office was presented to him in his troop in recognition of his new position as an officer in his troop. (To the new Den Chief) And now we of Pack ____, in recognition of your high office and the important service you will be rendering your troop and your pack, want to present to you this Den Chief's Handbook in the presence of your new friends. (Hands book to him and gives him the Cub Scout handshake.)

When Akela was a boy, he was taken on trips by his chief to learn the ways of the braves to prepare him for the day when he would become a chief. You have now become a chief in Akela's pack to lead the younger ones that they shall become mighty hunters and honorable Webelos. Your Den Leader will be with you to lead the Cub Scouts of your den along the Cub Scout trail. Den Leader _______. Will you stand by your new Den Chief as we give him the grand howl of welcome. (Den gives Grand howl as Den Chief sits with the den.)



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders