PERSONNEL: Scouting coordinator, head of chartered organizations pack committee chairman, pack committee members, den leaders, Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Webelos den leader, Scoutmaster, Den Chiefs and Webelos scouts for escorting each leader to be recognized, operators for lights.
EQUIPMENT: Ladder with proper emblems, table, two candles, flashlight, certificates of appreciation, or "thanks" badges, or plaques.
ARRANGEMENT: Stage is set, room lights dimmed.
SCOUTING COORDINATOR: Tonight we honor the leaders of Pack _____ for the outstanding work done during the past year. Webelos scouts will now light the candles representing the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. Will our leaders please stand? As your name is called, you will be escorted to the front by a Webelos Scout.
The Scouting coordinator reads names and describes the job of each leader to be recognized. A spotlight is focused on the leader. As he proceeds to the front, a flashlight is focused on the appropriate emblem.
Our pack committee chairman is (name). Working with him/her on the committee are (names). We appreciate their advice, planning, and administration of our pack. They are our board of directors.
Now a group that our dens and den leaders could not be without, are our den chiefs. These Boy Scouts give valuable leadership to our Cub Scouts and help to our den leaders. We are proud to recognize den chiefs (name) of Troop ______. Tonight we also honor our den leaders for their unselfish service. By their devotion, they help our Cub Scouts grow in stature and character.
We are proud of our den leaders. (Introduce the den leaders).
Also important among our leaders are our assistant Cubmaster and Webelos den leaders. (Introduce them.) They guide our pack meeting programs and prepare our older boys for Boy Scouting.
It is now my pleasure to introduce to you a man/woman we love and appreciate for his/her example, guidance, and leadership--our Cubmaster, (name).
Many of our Cub Scouts have been graduated into our own Boy Scout troop. (Name), our Scoutmaster: has helped provide our pack with many den chiefs. We appreciate his/her cooperation and are happy for our Webelos Scouts when they graduate into his/her troop. Will the den chiefs accompany Scoutmaster (name) to the front, and each Webelos Scout so assigned bring the other leaders forward.
I am happy to introduce (name), the head of our chartered organization.
ORGANIZATION HEAD: On behalf of our organization, the boys and their families, we are happy to present you leaders with these certificates of thanks. He/She presents certificates. We pledge ourselves to the continuing support of the pack and to the purposes and objectives of Cub Scouting. We will also "Do our best."