Robin Hood And The Forest


PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, a leader, Bobcats and parents

EQUIPMENT: Robin Hood costume for Cubmaster, a bow, an arrow, and a red feather. Plus one red feather for each Bobcat. A tree branch set in a plaster base with paper leaves with the candidate's names printed on them.

ARRANGEMENT: The Cubmaster, in costume, stands in front of the room, Leader stands beside Cubmaster holding red feathers and badges to be earned, nearby is a table holding tree with a few cut leaves hanging in it and the leaves with boys names laying beside.

CUBMASTER: Merry men of Sherwood, we have several recruits who have proved their right to join our band. They shall be known as (name rank) until they earn additional honors. This feather (take feather) is a symbol of our helping our fellow man. My arrow is a symbol of the Arrow of Light which is the arrow you will receive as you continue to advance. Our band consists of families, so would the parents of these boys please come forward with them as they are called. (call each boy)

Now boys, place your left hand on my bow, make the Cub Scout sign and repeat the Cub Scout Promise. ( say promise). We would like to welcome you to our band. (hand them the leaf) Please join our forest now by placing the leaf on our tree. The (rank) badge shall remind you of the ideals of our band, and we give you this red feather, symbolic of your part of our band. Merry men of Sherwood Forest, I give you our newest members."

Lead a cheer.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders