One way for each of us to do our duty to God is to go to our own house of worship, whether it be a church, Synagogue, or Temple. We must remember to thank God for everything that we have, such as friends, our family, our health, and the world around us.
The Boy Scouts of America does NOT tell you what defines a belief in God or how to practice your faith or what Church to attend. Rather it provides programs and ideals that support and complement the practice of one's faith.
As a leader, we must respect another person's religious beliefs, even though different than our own. If we can help boys to understand that there is a Supreme Being, who is guiding us daily, taking care of us, someone who loves us, then we just may have planted a seed that will grow and mature and that he will carry within him throughout his life.
Just remember these three basic rules:
1. Reverence to God
2. Faithful in their religious convictions
3. Respect for the convictions of others in their customs and religions
All major Churches and other religious bodies in the United States have programs to recognize Cub and Webelos Scouts who demonstrate faith, observe their creeds or principles, and give service. For more information on these different programs check with your local Council Service Centers.
God and Country recipients should be recognized at a Service of Recognition arranged by the pastor. This service may be incorporated into a regular Sunday morning worship service or it may be held in conjunction with Scout Sunday, a Sunday School Assembly, Christian Education Week, a Church Night Program, etc. If the pastor so chooses, the recipient may invite parents, unit leaders, counselors, or peers to stand with the recipient at the time of recognition. The following service is designed primarily for use as a part of a Sunday morning service: adaptations may be made freely.
At the selected time the minister will say: It is appropriate for the people of God gathered as a community of faith in worship to share with one another in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by one of their own. Thus the joy of one becomes the joy of all. (the minister will invite the recipient(s) to come forward, along with others as designated, with the following invitation)
Will (name) come before the congregation that we may share in(his/her/their) accomplishment and moment of joy. The Church seeks to provide opportunities for worship, study, service, and for fellowship. As one means of nurture and growth for the development of Christian faith and discipleship, our church uses the God and country program series. A young person voluntarily chooses to enroll in the God and Country program under the supervision of the minister. In committing oneself to this program, the young person chooses to go beyond the regular expectations of church school experiences to become involved in an intentional and personal study program. It is a program that requires a commitment of time and energy to study and to act out the faith, along with an expectation to seek to continue in growth. The young person seeks to follow the examples set by Jesus, for it was recorded that he "grew and became strong, he was full of wisdom, and God's blessings were upon him" (Luke 2:40).
(Name) has completed the requirements of study and service for the God and(Me/Family/Church/Life) study program, and has earned the right and privilege of wearing this emblem in recognition of the accomplishment.
(the pastor or a parent, counselor, unit leader, or a previous recipient may pin the emblem on the recipient. The congregation may then join in the following prayer)
Let us pray. Lord, your Son has called all of us into the adventures of learning and serving. Here today we celebrate a milestone as one among us has answered that call in a special and intentional way. We thank you for(name) and for this moment of joyous celebration. We rejoice in this accomplishment knowing that it is only one step in the total journey of learning and serving. Continue to challenge all of us to give ourselves to the task of learning and serving, that your kingdom may become a reality in and through our lives. Amen.