Cubmaster is dressed as a pirate (in pirate hat, etc.). A 2x10 foot plank is placed
on the floor. Cubmaster stands at one end of the plank and explains to the Cubs
the meaning of “walking the plank” in pirate days.
Cubmaster: But tonight, Cub Scouts who have earned another rank will be asked
to walk the plank to receive their award and then jump off into working on a new
rank with new and different activities as well as exciting fun and adventure.
The parents who have been with their sons and helped them along are asked to
accompany their sons and walk the plank also. (Cub’s name is called, one at a
time, and the rank earned. Den Leader Coach or advancement chairman stands
at the other end of the plank and helps each boy and parent on the plank to walk
to the Cubmaster at the other end where the Cub receives his award.)
2003 Pirates of the Caribbean