Parvuli Dei And Light Of Christ Scouting Award

The following service was done for the Scouts earning the Catholic religious emblems Parvuli Dei and The Light of Christ. If this ceremony can be of help to others in preparing a service for their scouts please feel free to use or make adaptations to suit their needs.


This morning we welcome Cub and Webelos Scouts.  They are members of various Packs/Dens of our city.  They are here to receive the Catholic Scouting Awards, Parvuli Dei, and Light of Christ.  We will present the awards after the homily in a brief ceremony.  We do so, so that we may support them in their efforts and share in their joy.


Scouts who are to receive the Parvuli Dei and Light of Christ Awards please come forward with your parents so that we may all share in your accomplishments and moment of joy.

          The Church seeks to provide scouts opportunities for worship, study, service, and fellowship.  As one means for nurture, growth, and development of their Catholic Faith, our Church uses the Parvuli Dei and the Light of Christ programs.

          The Parvuli Dei and Light of Christ Awards are given in special recognition by the Catholic Church to a Cub or Webelos Scout for advancement in religious knowledge and spiritual growth.

          In committing oneself to the Parvuli Dei and Light of Christ programs, the young scout chooses to go beyond what would normally be expected of him and explore a wide range of activities in order to discover the presence of God in his life, and also to develop a good, positive image through the contributions he can make in serving others.

          The young scout seeks to follow the example of Jesus, who as a young boy, "progressed steadily in wisdom and age and grace before God and men."(Luke 2:52)

          Each Scout has completed the requirements of study and service for the awards he will receive and has earned the right and privilege of wearing the emblem in recognition of his accomplishment.

          The Parvuli Dei emblem is a medal depicting the Holy Family suspended from a bar pin that bears the inscription 'Parvuli Dei'(Children of God).

          The Light of Christ emblem is a medal depicting a young Scout with his eyes fixed on the lit candle which represents Christ.  On the candle are the initials Alpha and Omega, Greek letters meaning the beginning and end.  The inscription 'Light of Christ' is on a bar pin over the Christ candle.

The emblems are worn over the left pocket.

          Now as your names are called, please step forward with your parent(s) to receive your award.  As each receives his award, a parent will have the honor of pinning the emblem on their child.  We will conclude the presentation with a Blessing Prayer.


          Let us Pray:  Lord, your Son has called us to learn and to serve.  Bless these Cub and Webelos Scouts who have answered that call in a special and intentional way.  We thank you for their parents and their Scout leaders who help them along the way.  We rejoice in their accomplishment knowing that it is only one step in the total journey of learning and serving.  continue to challenge them to give themselves to the task of learning and serving, that your kingdom may become a reality in and through their lives.  Amen.



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