InsaneScouter - Oh! Akela Of The Bobcat - Ceremonies Cub Scout

Oh! Akela Of The Bobcat


CHARACTERS: Akela, Tiger Cub Leader

EQUIPMENT: Bridge, Rank Cards, Candleholder with white, blue, gold, and orange candles, Bobcat Badges, Pack Flag, Tiger Cub Flag, a small table, and two drums.

ARRANGEMENT: Bridge set in the center of the room, with the small table to the left of the bridge.

The candle holder on the table, with the white candle lit, the Tiger Cub Flag on the right side. The drums will be in the back of the Pack, the Bobcat Badges on the table.

DIRECTIONS: At the start of the ceremony the drum will be beating very softly. Akela enters from the back of the Pack. He will be dressed in full Indian costume. He will walk very slowly toward the center of the table. He will then raise his arm and give the Cub Scout Sign, the drums stop beating, Akela raises both arms up toward the sky.

AKELA: "Oh! Great Spirit of Scouting. We are here for a very special ceremony. Be with us."

(He takes the white candle and lights orange, gold, and blue candle and turns to the front of the room).

AKELA: "Would the Tiger Leader please come forward.:

TIGER LEADER: "Oh! Akela of the Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos, we of the Tiger Cubs have some braves that wish to become Bobcats."



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders