CUBMASTER: (Dressed to resemble King Arthur)
Welcome, Knights of the Roundtable. Just as the Knights of old had their code of conduct, so the young Knights of Cub Scouting have their code, the Cub Scout Promise. A Cub Scout promises to do his best.
CUB 1: (Lights candle) To do his duty to God and his country.
CUB 2: (Lights candle) To help other people.
CUB 3: (Lights candle) To obey the Law of the Pack.
CUBMASTER: The young Knights also abide by the Law of the Pack.
CUB 4: (Lights candle) The Scout follows AKELA.
CUB 5: (Lights candle) The Cub Scout helps the Pack go.
CUB 6: (Lights candle) The Pack helps the cub Scout grow.
CUB 7: (Lights candle) The Cub Scout gives goodwill.
CUBMASTER: You may now join the other Knights, and let the evening begin.