Setting: Place a world globe on a table. Place candles around the globe, one for each rank to be given out. Dim the room lights. Assistant Cubmaster holds a lighted candle.
Cubmaster: We read in the newspaper every day about wars. Television shows us daily pictures of bombings and destruction in many parts of the world. This is a dark picture, and not what each of us wants for our children and ourselves.
Scouting is one of the things that helps to bring people together because its ideals and goals are the same everywhere. We tend to think of Cub Scouting as just our Pack and our Den. But there are Cub Scouts like us in countries around the world.
(Name of Leader) holds a candle representing the spirit of Cub Scouting. As we present our advancement awards tonight, he will light a candle next to the globe for each rank.
We have some boys who have passed the requirements for the rank of Bobcat. Will (call Scouts receiving awards) and their parents please come forward? (Present badges to parents to pin on boys’ uniforms and parent pins to boys to give to parents. Light the Bobcat candle.)
(Repeat for each rank.)
Notice how the darkness surrounding the world has gone away as the light of the Cub Scout spirit has spread around the globe. If we all continue to work on our achievements and have our Cub Scouts give Goodwill by keeping the Cub Scout Promise, we can keep the light bright and help our world to be a better place for everyone.