Footsteps Into Cubbing


Organizer brings first Tiger Cub and Partner to just in front of 1st paw print.

ORGANIZER - This past year you have spent in Tiger Cubs with your adult partner learning about yourself, your partner, and the world around you. Now you are ready to enlarge that world even more by joining the Cub Scout Pack.

The steps you took were big ones.

(Tiger Cub and Partner move to 1st paw print .... )

First, you and your partner learned to search together, to find new adventures, and have fun together.

(Tiger Cub and Partner proceed to 2nd paw print)

Second, together, you have discovered the new things you learned to help you to a better understanding of your partner, your family, your school, your community, and the country in which you live.

(Tiger Cub and Partner move on to 3rd paw print .... )

Thirdly, the sharing. Along with your partner, you shared all your new experiences with your family and other members of your tiger group. Tonight, it is time for you to take the next big step into the world of Scouting.

(Tiger Cub and Partner now step on Cub Scout emblem.)

As you take this next giant step, the support from your partner and family will become as important in Cubbing and throughout all of Scouting as it was when you became 'a Tiger Cub.

Families are an important part of the whole Scouting program

(Cubmaster moves forward to greet new cub and family)

CUBMASTER: ________(tiger's name) and ___________ (partner's name) on behalf of Cub Scout pack # _____, I would like to welcome you to the next step in scouting.

You now change your Tiger Cub Motto of "Search, Discover, Share" to the Cub Scout Motto, "Do Your Best".

(New Den Leader moves down to welcome new Cub)

Here to help you do that is your new den leader, _______from den #_______. The pack is delighted to have you and together we hope to develop your new skills in citizenship, character development, and mental and physical development.

(If the pack chooses, they may wish to present the new Cub Scout with the Cub Scout neckerchief to welcome him into the pack.)

(Cub moves with the den leader to the side of the table. Now Cubmaster welcomes new pack helpers into the pack.)

(If the parents are joining the pack committee or are becoming an active member of the pack such as den leader, asst. Cubmaster, it would be appropriate at this time to also welcome. them into the pack, and to introduce them to everyone present.)

Parents move to the side (or to chairs, depending on how many times the ceremony is done,) with their cub while others are welcomed.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders