PERSONNEL: 8 Cubs and a narrator
EQUIPMENT: Cubs dressed as doctors
NARRATOR: I present to you Cub Scouts and parents, the eight best doctors in the world. Give heed to their words.
DOCTOR 1: I am Doctor Rest. I cure you when you are tired.
DOCTOR 2: l am Doctor Exercise. I make you strong.
DOCTOR 3: I am Doctor Fresh Air. I give you vigor.
DOCTOR 4: I am Doctor Proper Food. I help you live long.
DOCTOR 5: I am Doctor Bath. I keep you clean.
DOCTOR 6: l am Doctor Sleep . . . I make you well and help you grow.
DOCTOR 7: I am Doctor Sunshine. I make you cheerful.
DOCTOR 8: I am Doctor Play. I keep you happy and make you smile.
ALL DOCTORS: Employ us every day, we help you all and ask no pay.