Have each boy hold up a picture of the dinosaur as they say
their parts. Parts can be written on the back of their picture.
For bigger dens, add more dinosaurs. For smaller dens,
recruit other cubs to help.
Cub # 1: An ANKYLOSAURUS could swing it's massive
club tail with great force if attacked.
Cub # 2: Scientist believe that IGUANODON used it's
spiked thumbs as weapons.
Cub # 3: OVIRAPTOR may have been small, but it's
powerful jaw and parrot like beak could crush
Cub # 4: STEGOSAURUS used it's heavy tail, armed with
pairs of spikes to depend itself.
Cub # 5: STENONYCHOSAURUS may have run at
speeds of 50 miles per hour!
Cub # 6: TYRANNOSAURUS used its razor sharp teeth
to both depend itself and eat.
ALL: Tonight as we journey to Jurassic Pack and hear
the dinosaurs roar join us in the Pledge of
Circle Ten Council