InsaneScouter - Den Leader Induction Ceremony #1 - Ceremonies Cub Scout

Den Leader Induction Ceremony #1

ARRANGEMENT: Committee Chairman and Cubmaster stand behind the table in front of the room. On the table is a lighted candle and a Den Leader's Book.

COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: The den leader occupies a unique and essential place in Cub Scouting.

He/she fills a particular need for boys of Cub Scouting age and performs a fundamental service that no one else can give. He/she, therefore, becomes an indispensable person in our scheme of operation.

Name has been selected by the pack committee to serve as Den Leader for Den. Name will you please come forward.

Name will you promise to:

1. Take advantage of all training opportunities.

2. Be responsible for the organization and operation of your den.

3. Attend monthly pack committee meetings, monthly pack meetings, and monthly council roundtables.

4. Work with the parents of your Cub Scouts, so they will have the opportunity to share in the fun of Cubbing.

5. Observe the policies of our chartered institution, of the _________ council, and the National Council.

6. Keep your den in operation 12 months a year.

If so, please answer "I will".

CUBMASTER: Wearing the Den Leader's uniform not only identifies you as a very important member of the Boy Scouts of America, the largest boys organization of its kind in the world.... but it also sets a good example for the Cub Scouts in your den.

We would like to welcome you as a new leader in our pack and present to you the den leaders book.

Congratulations and good Cubbing.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders