Den Leader Appreciation/Retiring


The purpose of this ceremony is to thank the retiring den leader for her service. This can be done in a dignified ceremony that will be remembered for a long time.

Chairman of the pack committee, Cubmaster, retiring den leader, Cub Scout.

Den leader appreciation certificate, 'thanks" pin, wall plaque, flashlight, a cutout of a Cub Scout (a 3- or 4-inch-tall silhouette), a small table.

The room lights are dimmed. The small table is against a wall or other background; on it are the flashlight and small cutout. Place the cutout such that when the flashlight shines on it, the shadow cast on the wall is larger than the cutout.

Chairman: Tonight we honor one of our den leaders who is leaving us. We want you to know that we appreciate your unselfish service. Your devotion to your den has helped Cub Scouts grow, as symbolized when this light of unselfish service shines closer to the boy. (Shines beam from the flashlight on the cutout. Leaves the light on for the remainder of the ceremony.)

[Name], on behalf of the committee and [name of chartered organization], may I present to you this certificate of appreciation for your service as a den leader. (He does this.)

Now, Cubmaster [name] has a presentation for you.

Cubmaster: [Name], I have here a "thanks" pin which can only be worn by those who have served Scouting in an unusual way. We feel that you should have this pin in recognition of your service to our pack. (Hands pin to den leader.)

Chairman: I will now call on Cub Scout [name], who has a presentation from the den.

Cub Scout: [Name], we Cub Scouts of Den [number] want you to have this plaque as a reminder of our good times together. (Presents plaque to den leader. The den may give the grand howl or its den yell.)



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders