InsaneScouter - Den Chief The Meaning Of The Cords - Ceremonies Cub Scout

Den Chief The Meaning Of The Cords

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Cub Scout, new Den Chiefs, and their den leaders.

EQUIPMENT: Two 4-foot lengths of rope made of yarn - one blue, one Yellow, copy of Den Chiefs Handbook, Den Chiefs cords, and patches.

Arrangement: Table with two candles (gold and blue) and the Den Chiefs Handbook. Cub Scout with a blue yard to the Cubmaster's right; on his left, Den Chief with yellow yarn.

CUBMASTER: I, Akela chief of the Webelos, pondered long into the night on who should lead the young Cub Scouts of Pack ______. An important council was held with the Scoutmasters, chiefs of our older brothers, to choose these important leaders.

We now call to our council these chosen ones. Scouts of Troop _____ please come forward.

Den No.____ leader ________and den No.______ leader_____, will you please come forward and stand by your den chiefs.

This blue totem represents the Cub Scout pack with all its Cub Scouts, leaders, and parents, also the Cub Scout, promise, and the Law of the Pack.

This gold totem represents the Scout troop, its leaders, parents, and the Scout oath and law. You will notice these ropes are made up of many strands representing all the boys in the pack and troop. Let us bind together these ropes into a bond of friendship. You now see these symbols become the totem of the den chief's office. This is known as the "Den Chiefs Cord".

Den leaders, please present these cords to our den chiefs which will be worn encircling the left sleeve.

____and _____, wear this badge of office proudly in recognition of

your new position as an officer in your troop. Also, we of Pack No.______, in recognition of your high office and the important service you will be rendering your troop and your pack, want to present to you this Den Chief's Handbook and certificate of office.

Now,_____ and _____, face your respective den leader, give the Scout sign and repeat after me the den chief's oath.

I, (Scout's name), promise to help the Cub Scouts in my den to the best of my ability, to encourage, to guide, and to protect them in den and pack activities, to show them by example what a Scout is. I will strive to be prompt and dependable. To cooperate with the leaders in carrying out the den program. As each Cub Scout reaches 9-years of age or completes the third grade, I will encourage him to join the Webelos den. As he approaches age 11 or completes the fifth grade, I will do all in my power to interest him in becoming a Scout.

When I, Akela was a boy, I was taken on many trips by my chief. To learn the ways of the braves and prepare men for the day that I would become chief. You now have become a chief in Akela's pack, to lead the younger ones that they shall become mighty hunters and honorable Webelos Scouts.

Congratulations, _____ and ,______ and welcome to our Pack.__________, how about leading us in a cheer for these two fine Scouts!


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders