Den leader, new Bobcat Cub Scout, denner, assistant denner, three Cub Scouts.
U.S. flag, den flag, three candles, or flashlights.
ARRANGEMENT The den leader introduces the new Bobcat Cub Scout to the other Cub Scouts of the den. The denner and assistant denner step forward with the U.S. flag and den flag, then all salute.
1st Cub Scout: (Lights a candle and recites the Cub Scout Promise.)
2nd Cub Scout: (Lights a candle and recites the Law of the Pack.)
3rd Cub Scout: (Steps forward and informs the Bobcat that he is part of the den and it is his turn to light a candle to show that the den will be much brighter now that he is part of it. All den members then sing the "Cub Scout Welcome Song" found in the Cub Scout Songbook.)