Cub Scouts

Cubmaster, four Cub Scouts, four den chiefs or den leaders, assistant Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates, and parents.

Four cards: three bearing one letter each of the word C-U-B and one with the complete word SCOUTS; Bobcat badges; safety pins. (A candle or flashlight could be lighted with each letter for added color and drama.)

Cubmaster: Friends, we welcome you to our ceremony for new Cub Scout families. Four of our Cub Scouts are holding cards that spell CUB SCOUT'S. Each letter by itself stands for something special.

1st Den Chief: 'C' stands for courtesy. A Cub Scout is courteous. He is courteous to his elders, his friends, his teachers, and especially his parents. He is courteous in all that he says and does.

2nd Den Chief: 'U", stands for unity. When a boy joins a pack, he becomes a member of a den, too. He does not work alone but with other boys. He learns to get along with others.

3rd Den Chief: 'B' stands for bravery. The Cub Scout is courageous enough to stand up for what he thinks is right-honesty and fair play-thereby making the world a better place in which to live.

4th Den Chief: The word 'Scouts' begins and ends with 'S.' 'S' stands for service. A boy not only serves himself while he is a Cub Scout, but he also serves others. He helps spread goodwill.

Cubmaster: You have started up the Cub Scout trail. You are now a Bobcat candidate. There are other ranks to be earned before you are eligible to become a Scout. There's the Wolf, the Bear, the Webelos badge, and the Arrow of Light Award.

You have come here tonight seeking admission to the friendship and fun of Cub Scouting. You have probably attended a meeting of the den you would like to join. You have learned those things necessary to become a Bobcat Cub Scout. Will you give the Cub Scout sign and repeat the Cub Scout Promise. (The Cubmaster may lead this.)

Assistant Cubmaster: Parents, we welcome you. Cub Scouting is for the whole family. Fun and friendship are found within this circle because we have all joined hands to make it happen. As parents, you have certain responsibilities in Cub Scouting. We expect you to attend the monthly pack meetings and work with your son on his achievements. We will expect you to assist, when called upon along with the other parents, in various leadership capacities. Will you accept this responsibility?

Parents: We will.

Cubmaster: Please pin this Bobcat badge on your son, making him an official Cub Scout. Each time your son earns an award, it will be your privilege to present his badge or award. We expect that you will work just as hard as he does on some of the projects. You start together up the Cub Scout trail. Remember always the Cub Scout motto: Do Your Best.


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders