Cub Scout Seedling

STAGING: Cardboard trees and bushes in background.

CUBMASTER: Do you see that tree in my backyard. My first den & I planted that
tree as a seedling the first year my oldest joined Cub Scouts. Look at it now!
We did it as a conservation project to show how we can help our environment.

ASST CM: WOW, it sure has grown!!

CUBMASTER: A young Bobcat starting his Cub Scouting adventure may be like
a young seedling just starting to grow like that one used to be in my backyard.
We have several Cub Scouts that have earned the Bobcat rank.

ASST CM: Will the following boys and their parents please join us in the
backyard. (Reads names)

CUBMASTER: These Cubs, like a planted seedling, have just started. Parents, I
give you the Bobcat Badge to present to your sons.

CUBMASTER: A young Wolf has gone beyond the bobcat, like the seedling
becoming a tree. His limbs extends high and becomes visible to the
neighborhood reaching out to see and learn.

ASST CM: We have several Cub Scouts tonight that have earned the Wolf
Badge, the second rank in Cub Scouting.
Will the following boys and their parents come into the backyard. (Read Wolf

CUBMASTER: A Wolf Cub has accomplished more than the Bobcat. His
experiences, skills, and knowledge have begun to extend beyond his home and
has become visible to others. Parents, please present these Wolf Badges to your

CUBMASTER: The Bear Scout, the third rank of Cub Scouting, has continued up
the Scouting trail beyond the Wolf. He has become strong and straight as a
young tree, not fully grown yet, but on his way. His search extends beyond his
neighborhood into the town and country. His experiences could be fishing in a
creek, a hike through town, or visit to local park or zoo. We have several Cub
Scouts that have met the challenges of the Bear and will receive their awards

ASST CM: Will the following Cub Scouts and parents join us. (Read names)

CUBMASTER: The Bear Scout has matured and endured the challenges of the
Cub Scout trail. His experiences and knowledge are nearly complete. His
backyard is beyond his neighborhood. Parents please present these badges to
your sons.

CUBMASTER: The Webelos Scout is coming to the end of the Cub Scout Trail.
He is a fully grown tree in the Cub Scout forest. He stands straight and tall. His
backyard extends up and down the highways. His fun may include Canoeing at a
Cub Scout camp, hiking in the woods, and camping overnight. We have several
Cub Scouts here tonight that have met the Webelos challenges.

ASST CM: Will the following boys and their parents join us in our backyard.

CUBMASTER: The Webelos Scouts have almost completed the Cub Scout trail.
They are knowledgeable, skillful, and confident. His backyard is almost limitless.
Parents please present these badges to your sons.

References / Source:
2003 Pirates of the Cirribean

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders