Circus Advancement Ceremony

Staging: Cubmaster and one or more Den Leaders dressed as clowns. Do the
short clown skit to lead off this ceremony.

Clown #1: Being a clown is lots of fun.- You make people laugh with you and at
you. -It does not take a lot of skill, only a good sense of humor.

Clown #2: It is an easy way to be the center of attention. We tell jokes, chase
each other around and fall flat on our faces. Everyone loves a clown. –Scouting
in many ways is like being a clown. Cub Scouts have lots of fun. We tell jokes,
laugh a lot and have many enjoyable experiences. However, Cub Scouting is not
only fun, it is learning skills and crafts and even some citizenship and good

Sometimes the Cub Scouts learn something with out even knowing it. Other
times it takes hard work for accomplishments. Tonight we have some Cub
Scouts that have had lots of fun earning these awards.

Now let me see, where are those names? –Clowns do some antics in trying to
find names:

1. Have names on slips of paper inside inflated balloons, pop balloons to get
names. --

2. Names taped to end of spring snake inside a can with the rank badges on
outside of can.

3. Names and badges on outside of box filled with set mousetraps. -Clown
#2: (when names are found) Will the following Cub Scouts and their parents
come forward to the center ring. (read names) -
Clown #1: Parents I have the privilege of giving you these badges to present to your
sons. -(Continue in like manner for all rank presentations.)

At conclusion, Clown #1 chases Clown #2off with broom or some other silly prop.

References / Source:
2003 Pirates of the Cirribean

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders