Bobcat Induction Ceremony - The Light of Scouting


Personnel: Cubmaster, a Den Chief, Bobcat candidate, and his parents.

Equipment: A Cub Scout ceremonial board; small candles for the board; one tall candle, the spirit of Cub Scouting; small candles for the Bobcat candidate and his parents; Bobcat badge and certificate; and Cub Scout neckerchief.

Arrangement: All candles on the board except the one representing the Bobcat are lighted.  The Den Chief holds the tall-lighted candle.

Cubmaster: Will Bobcat (name) and his parents Mr. And Mrs. (Name) come to the front for induction into our Pack family?  (They do so) Mr. (name) will you please accept the spirit of Cub Scouting from Scout (name) one of our Den Chiefs, and then pass it along to your son who will light the Bobcat candle on our ceremonial board?  (The candidate lights the Bobcat candle and returns the tall candle to the Den Chief).  Mr. and Mrs. (name) you have helped your son complete his Bobcat requirements and you have promised to accompany his Bobcat requirements and you have promised to accompany him along the Cub Scout Trail.  Will you, Mrs. (name) place this Cub Scout neckerchief around his neck?  (She does so).  Mr. (name) will you present your son his Bobcat badge which goes on his left shirt pocket and his certificate?  (He does so).  It is a tradition in Pack # ___ that no advancement awards are made unless a parent is present to receive them for his son.

I welcome you and your son in Pack (#) Bobcat (name), I know you will follow Akela and will be happy, and fair.  Congratulations.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders