Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates, parents, families.
Covered cardboard, tape, Boys' Life covers, scissors, Bobcat badges. (Have one large piece of cardboard and one magazine cover for each Bobcat family inducted.)
Cubmaster calls the Bobcat Cub Scout and his family to the front. As he welcomes them to the pack, he cuts the Boys' Life cover into as many pieces as there are family members present. He gives each member of the family, the Cub Scout, parents, brothers, sisters, grandmother, etc., a piece and asks them to assemble the pieces into the complete picture and tape them on the board. He gives the family plenty of time. When they finish, he compliments them on how well they work together.
Cubmaster: As we have seen, this family does things well together. They know how to help each other accomplish goals. They know how to get things done. Cub Scouting is for the whole family. The accomplishments of one member of the family depend a lot on the rest of the family. It is that way in Cub Scouting. The achievements and awards earned will always depend on how well you work together.
(The Cubmaster presents the Bobcat badge to a parent, who in turn presents it to the Cub Scout son.)