A Den Leader Farewell And An Induction


Cubmaster; Cub Scout; all den leaders, including the retiring den leader and the new den leader with spouse; pack committee chairman.

Gift for retiring den leader, den leader badge, den leader job description card, the current issue of Scouting magazine with Cub Scout Program Helps, copy of Cub Scout Leader Book.

All den leaders line up on stage as a background for this ceremony. The Cubmaster is in front.

Cubmaster: Cub Scouts and parents, tonight we are bidding goodbye to one of our den leaders and saying hello to another. [Name] has been a loyal den leader for the past year. It is now necessary for her to give up this work. We shall miss her. Will you please step forward, [name]. (The Cub Scout steps forward and presents her with an inexpensive gift.)

Cub Scout: This gift will remind you of the many hours that you have spent giving something to us Cub Scouts so that we may grow into better men and good citizens of our country. Will you introduce the new den leader who will take over Den [number].

Retiring Den Leader: [Name] has already been working with me and is prepared to take over. I know that the boys like her very much and that she will be an excellent den leader. (The pack chairman escorts the new den leader forward.)

Chairman: [Name], we welcome you as a den leader in our pack. Yours is a big but rewarding responsibility. Without den leaders, we could not have Cub Scouting - not, at least, in the fine way we have it now. As chairman of our pack, I think I speak for the parents and boys of your den when I say we'll do our best to help you make the den go. And that goes for all of us in the pack, too. And now, [name], here are your badge of office, a card describing your duties, your first issue of Scouting magazine with Cub -Scout Program Helps, and the Cub Scout Leader Book to help you in your den program.

Now may I introduce [name of spouse], whose faith in Cub Scouting and what it means to all the boys in the neighborhood will make him a very active partner.

Cubmaster: OK, Cub Scouts, let's give three cheers for both of these den leaders. Hip, hip, hurray! Hip, hip, hurray! Hip, hip, hurray! 



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders