The Light Of The Eagle I Ceremony



The Eagle court of honor may follow a regular troop court of honor. The flags are in place, and the mood is set. The participants are seated at a table in the front of the room, or they may rise from the audience at their particular point in the program.


Master of Ceremonies (MC)
Honor Guard


MC: Welcome now to that part of our court of honor where we recognize a candidate for Eagle Scout. The presentation of the Eagle Award is an important and serious matter. It is the climax and the goal for which this Scout has been working for many years.

Honor guard, please escort before this court, Eagle Candidate [ Scout's name ], so we may ensure that he has been prepared properly to receive this high honor.

(The honor guard, composed of Eagle Scouts, escorts the Eagle Candidate to the front of the room, near the American flag, leaving him facing the audience.)

MC: The Eagle Award is a culmination of the effort of many leaders of this Scout. It is an occasion for pride and joy and a time for serious contemplation. It is the highest rank in Scouting and the most coveted of all awards in Scouting. It is the last major step in the Scouting advancement program. If Troop leaders have not achieved their purpose with this scout in the building of character, in the training of leadership, in the practice of service, they probably never shall. It is, right and proper that this court make a careful examination of the applicant. In order that you may understand the completeness of our examination, I shall ask members of the Troop Committee to explain the inquiries made regarding the candidate. Mr./Mrs. ________, please state how these Eagle Candidates accomplished the requirements established by the Boy Scouts of America.

Mr./Mrs. _______: Mr. (MC), the first consideration in the examination of this candidate, was his proficiency in the various crafts and skills prescribed in the requirements for the Eagle Award. The Eagle candidate presented a record of the merit badges he earned and the advancement he has accomplished. These records have been carefully checked. The candidate has been certified by the merit badge counselors approved by the troop committee. The court finds that the candidate has completed all required merit badges.

MC: Mr. #2.

Mr.#2: Mr. (MC), another important consideration for the Eagle Award is leadership. This court carefully reviewed the record of the candidate's performance in leadership positions. We found all positions held in the troop, school affairs, and his Eagle service project to meet the requirements of the Eagle Award. We find that the candidate displayed his capacity and his willingness to exert leadership in activities that are constructive and worthwhile to this community. We believe that he is qualified to receive the Eagle Award.

MC: Mr. #3.

Mr.#3: Mr. (MC), last, but certainly not least, is the Scout's character. We have interviewed teachers, his pastor, neighbors, and many others regarding the candidate. It is the finding of the court that this candidate has put into practice, in his daily life, the principles of the Scout Oath and Law. We believe he will continue these habits after receiving the Eagle Award.

MC: In light of these inquires, this court finds the candidate qualified for the Eagle Award. However, if anyone knows any reason why this Scout should not receive the rank of Eagle, please inform this court now.

EAGLE SCOUT: (From the audience.) Gentlemen of the court. I represent all the Scouts who have received the Eagle Award in _____________ District. We do not object to awarding the rank of Eagle to this candidate. We believe though, that he must understand that the Eagle rank is a responsibility as well as an honor. We respectfully ask that this Eagle candidate be informed of these responsibilities before the badge is awarded.

MC: The court concurs in your feelings. Let us hear the responsibilities of an Eagle Scout.

(The lights are dimmed. For dramatic effect, use recorded voices in corners of the room or behind drapes. If that isn't feasible, an older Eagle steps to the front to speak as the Voices. As Voice 1 begins, turn on the WHITE portion of the ribbon.)

VOICE 1: The first responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. An Eagle's honor is sacred. Honor is the foundation of all character. Character is what one is down deep inside, not what others think one is. An Eagle will so live that he reflects honor upon his home, his church, his school, his friends, and upon himself. May the white of your badge remind you to live with honor.

(As Voice 2 begins, turn on the BLUE portion of the ribbon.)

VOICE 2: The second responsibility of an Eagle Scout is loyalty. Without loyalty, the character lacks direction. An Eagle is loyal to his ideals. To thy own self be true. It follows as the night into day, thou cannot be false to any man. Neither pain nor profit, pride nor personal loss shall swerve him in his loyalty. May the blue of your badge remind you always to be loyal.

(As Voice 3 begins, turn on the RED portion of the ribbon now.)

VOICE 3: The third responsibility of an Eagle Scout is courage. Courage gives character force and strength. Trusting in God and with faith in his fellowman, the Eagle Scout faces each day unafraid and seeks his share of the world's work. May the red of your badge remind you always of courage.

(As Voice 4 begins, illuminate the rest of the badge, the scroll, and the Eagle.)

VOICE 4: The final responsibility of an Eagle Scout is service. He extends a helping hand to those who still toil up the Scouting trail, just as others helped him in his achievement of the Eagle rank. The habit of the daily Good Turn must take on new meaning, blossoming in a life of service. He protects and defends the weak and helpless. He aids and comforts the unfortunate and the oppressed. He upholds the rights of others while demanding his own. His code of conduct is based upon the belief that real leadership must be founded upon service.

May the motto "Be Prepared" always be of service to others. May the eagle suspended from the ribbon always remind you to perform that service when the opportunity presents itself.

EAGLE SCOUT: Gentlemen of the court, if this candidate is willing, yes eager, to accept the responsibilities of the badge as well as its honor, we cordially welcome him into the ranks of Eagle Scouts.

MC: Eagle Candidate [ Scout's name ], are you willing to accept these responsibilities?


MC: By the authority vested in this court of honor by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, and by recommendation of the persons who have investigated your credentials, your leadership practice, and your character, this court hereby awards the rank of Eagle Scout to __________. The charge to this worthy Eagle will be given by Mr. ___________.

CHARGE: (Choose an Eagle Charge or Pledge)



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