InsaneScouter - Picture Ceremony - Ceremonies Boy Scout

Picture Ceremony



(The chairperson of the court of honor, explains to the audience that tonight he is going to draw a picture. The central figure in this picture is to be the Eagle candidate. The candidate is directed to take his place on stage.)

Continuing to explain, the chairperson points out that the next step in drawing the picture is to fill in the background. For this purpose, several persons are being asked to help with the presentation of the Eagle Badge of rank.

Whenever possible each of the following persons should be present and called upon for their part in the Eagle ceremony. After the chairperson introduces them they take their places on stage, forming a semicircle in the back of the Eagle Scout candidate.



a. National Council Representative

Each council in the United States is allowed one representative for each 1000 boy member in the council, to represent the council on the National Council. In this council, we have ______ individuals who are National Council Representatives. We are fortunate this evening to have one of these representatives with us, Mr./Mrs. _______________, of _______________ Council. Since the Eagle Badge is presented directly from our National Headquarters in Texas, we are going to ask Mr./Ms. _____________ to be the first person in this picture. Also later we will ask him/her to be the first person to start the Eagle badge on its journey to the candidate.

b. Council Officer

The council officers are the council president, vice-presidents, treasurer, and the district chairmen, who represent their districts on the council executive board. Also, members and council committee chairmen appointed by the council president. Our National Council Office forwards the Eagle badge to the local council. We have asked Mr./Ms. ______________ of _______________ Council, who is the council's ______________, to take his/her place in our picture next to the National Council Representative.

c. District Officer

The district officers of _______________ District are the district chairman, vice-chairmen, and members of the district committee, appointed by the district chairman. As the National Council forwards the Eagle Badge to the council for awarding, so the council forwards the badge to the district. We will therefore ask Mr./Ms. __________ of _______________ District, who is the district's __________ to take his/her place in our picture next to the council officer.

d. Eagle candidate's Pastor (or Rabbi)

The institution that helps all of us most is the church, (synagogue) from the cradle to the grave she is ever with us. We are proud that Scouting is privileged to help in her work. We have asked the Eagle candidate's Pastor (Rabbi) to be with us for the awarding of this Eagle Badge of rank. Reverend (Rabbi) _______________ of the __________ Church (Synagogue), may we ask you to take your place next to the district officer.

e. School Representative

Another institution that helps us is the school. Many teachers have helped in the development of our candidate. We have asked one to represent them all, (Mr./Ms.) ___________ of the ____________ school. Will you please take your place in our picture next to the Reverend.

f. Scoutmaster

With the addition of the next individual, the background of our picture is almost complete. That person is the Eagle candidate's Scoutmaster, Mr. _______________, of Troop _____ of _______________. You must indeed feel somewhat exhausted at times for the many hours you have given voluntarily and cheerfully to the Scouts in your troop. Will you please take your place next to the school representative.

SPEAKER: The picture is now complete except for the two people who have done the most for the Eagle candidate, his mother, and father.

(He then asks the Eagle candidate to go into the audience and escort his mother and father to the stage. Place one on each side of the candidate.)

SPEAKER: The picture is complete. But there are two things to be asked the Eagle candidate before the badge can be presented. The first is that the Eagle candidate give a brief resume of what he did to earn the rank of Eagle. (Eagle candidate should read from a statement prepared in advance. Not more than 200 or 300 words.)

The second requirement is that the candidate rededicates himself to the Scout Oath. (Candidate gives the Scout sign and repeats the Scout Oath after the speaker.)

Addressing the Eagle candidate, the speaker informs him that it is a pleasure to have a part in the ceremony. Also that he is happy to issue the badge to the National Council representative for presentation to the candidate. The National Council Representative addresses the candidate and after a few personal remarks, he/she ends by saying he/she is happy to pass the badge to the council officer for presentation to the candidate.

(The council officer, district officer, pastor, school representative, and Scoutmaster each passes the badge to the next person after a few remarks addressed to the candidate.)

(The Scoutmaster presents the badge to the candidate's mother, who in turn pins it over the heart of her son. The Eagle Scout receives a miniature Eagle pin from the Scoutmaster and presents it to his mother. Flowers may be given if desired.)

SPEAKER: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the Eagle ceremony. Anyone wishing to congratulate the troop's newest Eagle and his proud parents is invited to do so.

(Form a receiving line in front of the room., follow with a reception.)



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