Lighting The Eagle Trail Ceremony



Two lecterns, with lights, placed on either side of the stage, will simplify the presentation.
A single lighted candle is placed on a table in front of the moderator.
Rank symbols are placed on low tables between the two lecterns. An unlit candle is placed in front of each symbol.
Twelve small candles are set on a table to one side.
Three large candles are set on a table on the other side.
Lights are dimmed.


Eagle Candidate
Speaker #1 (Assistant Scout Master or another Troop leader)
Speaker #2 (Assistant Scout Master or another Troop leader)
Scout Master
Tenderfoot Scout
Second Class Scout
First Class Scout
Star Scout
Life Scout
Eagle Scout


MODERATOR: To earn the highest rank in Scouting, a Scout must spend a great deal of time and effort. Therefore, the occasion that recognizes his accomplishments should be memorable. Tonight, we shall follow Light the Eagle trail as we recognize the accomplishments of (Eagle candidate's name).

When a boy becomes a Boy Scout there is within him something that we call the spirit of Scouting. This single lighted candle before you represents that spirit. Because the spirit of Scouting embodies the principles of the Scout Oath and Law, it becomes a shining beacon of inspiration. Alone, this light may seem feeble, but when multiplied by the more than three and a half million boys in Scouting around the world, it is powerful indeed. After a boy enters Scouting, the Scout Law that he promises to obey begins to guide his life. One by one, using the flame from the spirit of Scouting, we shall light the symbols for each part of the Scout Law. There are 12 parts; each is an important foundation in the building of strong character.

(Twelve small candles are lit as the Scout Law is read.)

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful. Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

(Three large candles are lit by a Scout as the Scout Oath is read)

In the Scout Oath the young Scout promises upon his honor to do his best to do his duty, first to God and his country; second, to other people, by helping them at all times; and third, to himself, by keeping himself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. You see how the light from the spirit of Scouting is now beginning to grow and become brighter.

SPEAKER #1: Now, in the distant, looms the hazy outlines of Eagle summit, flanked by the lesser peaks that represent the Star and Life ranks. To the new Scout, they are very far away, but they will come to a lot closer as the light from the spirit of Scouting continues to spread. The Scout begins as a Tenderfoot,

(A Tenderfoot Scout lights the candle in front of the Tenderfoot symbol.)

The Tenderfoot badge is the first rank a Scout receives. It stands at the foot of the Eagle Trail. Once inspired by the spirit of Scouting, he won't stay a Tenderfoot very long. Putting a few simple achievements behind him, he will shortly climb to the rank of Second Class.

(A Second Class Scout lights the candle in front of the Second Class symbol.)

The requirements for Second Class become more difficult. A Scout must learn to be self-sufficient in the outdoors and continue to render service to others. Now the Scout is ready for the challenge to attain First Class.

(A First Class Scout lights the candle in front of the First Class symbol.)

Although the requirements become more difficult, he keeps climbing until finally comes the day when he tops the first summit along the Eagle Trail. There he receives his First Class Badge.

(A Star Scout lights the candle in front of the Star symbol.)

SPEAKER #2: A broad field of merit badges awaits the First Class Scout. More than 100 merit badges guide the Scout to explore careers, hobbies, and community interest items. The Scout needs but a total of six to conquer the Star Scout summit. Probably a lot sooner than he thought possible, the Scout finds himself standing on Star ridge. Thus, through leadership, service, and achievement, he conquers the first of three great peaks along the Eagle Trail.

(A Life Scout lights the candle in front of the Life symbol.)

The trail to the next summit, Life Scout peak, isn't easy. There is leadership to demonstrate, service to others, and plenty of hard work in mastering five additional merit badges and helping fellow Scouts. The higher the Scout climbs, the fewer travelers he meets along the trail. Yet there are no impossible barriers along the way. This Life Scout's goal can be achieved, but it takes real effort.

(An Eagle Scout lights the candle in front of the Eagle symbol.)

While the rank of Life Scout is a coveted one, and deserving to all who obtain it, the Eagle Trail does not end there; it leads on toward a higher summit. The pathway narrows and steepens considerably as it winds along ledges of personal achievement and mountain pastures of troop accomplishment. Mile by mile, the trail becomes more trying. Many challenges must be conquered in these last miles. Before the highest summit along the Eagle Trail can be completed, additional merit badges must be earned. Some of them are very difficult and leadership and service to others are not forgotten. Only with the greatest persistence and courage can the Scout gain the thrill of victory that comes while looking back down the trail, from the very top of the Eagle summit.

SM: Eagle candidate [ Scout's name ], you are to be congratulated for reaching the highest peak of the Eagle Trail; your diligence and hard work have paid off. If you, along with your mother and father, will come forward, your Eagle Badge of rank will be presented.

You have made Troop __________ very proud. May the qualities that inspired you to this achievement continue to lead you on to even greater success in your life.

As an Eagle Scout, the eyes of all Scouting -- yes, the eyes of the world, will be upon you. The traditions of Eagle Scout are high. May you live up to those traditions, always guided by the spirit of Scouting, represented by these blazing candles before you. The Eagle Badge that you are about to receive is symbolic of this spirit of Scouting.

(Eagle badge is presented to the mother to pin on the candidate's uniform.)

SM: Mrs. ______________, pin this Eagle badge on your son's chest so that the world may know that he is an Eagle Scout.

(Miniature Eagle badge is given to the Eagle Scout to pin on his mother.)

SM: Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], pin this miniature badge over your mother's heart in recognition of her love, encouragement, faith, and trust in your future. As an Eagle Scout, may you never disappoint her.

(Eagle neckerchief is given to the father to place around the neck of his son.)

SM: Place this neckerchief around your son's neck to tell the world you will continue to support him as he grows into a man.

MODERATOR: Will the audience please rise and give Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], a round of applause.

Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes our Eagle Court of Honor. Anyone wishing to congratulate troop _____'s newest Eagle Scout and his proud parents are invited to the reception immediately after our closing.



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders