Indian Theme Eagle Ceremony


It May be performed by the Order of the Arrow Ceremonial Team


Allowat Sakima, the Mighty Chief
Kichkinet, the Guide
The North Wind
The East Wind
The South Wind
The West Wind
Eagle Candidate and his parent(s)


Drum, Eagle Board, two red candles, white candle, blue candle, candle holder(s)

Scoutmaster: We have the honor and pleasure of recognizing (Eagle Scout Candidate's Name) for the award of Eagle Scout. The parents and Scout leaders of the Eagle candidate whom we honor tonight have labored long and faithfully to develop him towards alert and participating citizenship through the Boy Scout program. It is, however, the candidate's personal efforts and achievement that culminates this evening in the presentation of the Eagle Award.

Please escort Eagle Candidate (Eagle Scout Candidate's Name) and his parents to the stage.

(Drummer starts drumming. Indian party arranged with Allowat Sakima and Kichkinet in front, North Wind next, followed by the East and West Winds with a candidate in the middle, followed by the candidate's parents, followed by the South Wind, and drummer in the rear.)

(The four winds take their positions at the right of the Eagle board, Eagle candidate in the center with parents behind the candidate, and Allowat Sakima, Kichkinet, and Drummer to the left of the Eagle board.)

Allowat Sakima: I have led my braves to the summit of this mountain in a long journey from our camp to show you the rewards of your climb along the trail. When you began this trip as a young Cub Scout on the trail many years ago, you had this Mountaintop as your goal. You have reached the summit, the realm of the Eagles. But before admitting you to this honored membership, we must first hear the story of your long climb along the trail. You first learned Scout skills as you climbed through the ranks of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class.

Kichkinet: After reaching the First Class rank, you have worked diligently, and have sought experts who gave you valuable counsel on many subjects. Then additional merit badges allowed you to be a Star Scout, while still more found you wearing the heart of a Life Scout. Many more moons have passed while harder requirements found you adding to your qualifications until you have achieved Scouting's highest rank...Eagle.

Allowat Sakima: You have worked to the point where you are about to become an Eagle. Listen, first, to the wisdom of the four winds.

East Wind: I am the spirit of the East Wind. I represent the common law, your duty to God and to country. Trustworthy, loyal, and helpful, are the qualities that a man must possess who lives by the laws and rules of this land. See that we do not lose this great blessing of a lawful land.

West Wind: As the spirit of the West Wind, I represent the law of equity, your duty to country and to others, friendly, courteous, and kind are the laws that breathe of conscience. They create the atmosphere that comes from within your heart. The desire for you always to be a friend to those of all ages, young and old alike. Courteous to those who pass along your trail. Cast away the harmful spirit of unfriendliness and selfishness.

South Wind: I am the spirit of the South Wind. I represent the civil law, your duty to others and to self. Obedient, cheerful, and thrifty are the characteristics of civility. A life of cheerful obedience is necessary for the development of a true citizen. Obedience is something everyone has to learn--to take orders and carry them out cheerfully. Real thrift means earning, spending wisely and saving, and to share with those less fortunate.

North Wind: I am the spirit of the North Wind, the most powerful of all, I represent the divine law. Brave, clean, and reverent. To be brave is to be unselfish. To be clean in body and soul is to be pure in heart. Cast from your mind and body any evil spirit that tries to weaken or destroy the divine law, live a life of reverence. Be brave and clean.

Allowat Sakima: Throughout the climb up the Scouting trail, the badges have changed as your abilities grew. but one pledge remained unchanged, the Scout Oath. Now, candidate, make the Scout sign and state the Scout Oath slowly and clearly to renew this promise which you first made many moons ago.

Candidate: (Repeats the Scout Oath slowly.)

Scoutmaster: This court recognizes the candidate as fully qualified for the rank of Eagle Scout. He should understand that the Eagle Scout rank is a responsibility as well as an honor."

Allowat Sakima: You have reached the summit of the mountain, the highest rank in scouting. You may now soar with all the other Eagles, for you are an Eagle.

Kichkinet: To ensure that you understand that being an Eagle is a responsibility as well as an honor, the four winds will now explain the responsibilities of an Eagle Scout before the badge is awarded. (Produces a red candle and hands it, unlit, to the candidate). This red candle represents the lifeblood of scouting...and its flame represents Scout spirit and the willingness to provide cheerful service to others.

Drummer lights the candle held by the candidate.

East Wind: (Places the white candle into the candle holder). The first responsibility of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor. Please light this white candle which represents honor. (Pause) An Eagle Scout's honor is sacred. Honor is the foundation of all character. An Eagle will so live that he will reflect credit upon his home, his church, his school, his friends, and upon himself. May the white of your badge remind you to live with honor.

West Wind: (Places the blue candle into the candle holder). The second obligation of an Eagle Scout is loyalty. Please light this blue candle which represents loyalty. (Pause) Without loyalty, all character lacks direction. An Eagle is loyal to his own ideals. May the blue of the Eagle emblem remind you of loyalty.

South Wind: (Places the red candle into the candle holder). The third obligation of an Eagle Scout is courage. Please light this red candle which represents courage. (Pause) Courage gives all character force and strength. Trusting in God, and with faith in his fellow man, he faces each day unafraid and seeks his share of the world's work to do. May the red of the Eagle emblem remind you of courage.

(Kichkinet takes a candle from the candidate and extinguishes it.)

North Wind: The final obligation of an Eagle Scout is service. The candle you used to light the other three candles represents the spirit of scouting and service to others. An Eagle Scout extends a helping hand to those who continue to toil up the Scouting trail he has completed, just as others helped him in his achievement of the Eagle rank. The habit of the daily "good turn" must take on new meaning, and blossom forth in a life of service. His code of action is based upon the belief that real leadership must be founded upon real service. Even as an adult you can continue to provide service. An adult Eagle Scouter is entitled to wear a red, white, and blue square knot to show that he has attained Scouting's highest rank and to signify his readiness to provide cheerful service to those still climbing the trail to Eagle.

Kichkinet: All Eagle Scouts around the world will be honored to have you join us. Candidate, as you go forward in life, receiving other honors and awards, always remember this day when you became an Eagle Scout. The red, white, and blue candles representing courage, honor, and loyalty will now be extinguished.

(Drummer extinguished the three candles.)

Even though the flames no longer burn, the ideals that they represent will continue to live in your heart. Listen to the wisdom of the winds.

East Wind: Remember the common law: trustworthy, loyal, helpful.

West Wind: Remember the law of equity: friendly, courteous, kind.

South Wind: Remember the civil law: obedient, cheerful, thrifty.

North Wind: Remember the divine law, the most powerful of all: brave, clean, reverent.

Scoutmaster: We now present Eagle Scout's name with the highest award of the Boy Scouts of America, the rank of Eagle Scout.

(Scoutmaster presents the medal to the recipient's parents who, in turn, pin the medal onto the left pocket flap of the uniform shirt. The Scoutmaster presents the new Eagle Scout with the parent pin and the Eagle Scout pins the pin on his parent. If the Eagle Dad tie tack is available, the Scoutmaster presents the tie tack to the Eagle Scout who, in turn, presents the tie tack to his Father.)

Scoutmaster: We will now hear from our new Eagle Scout.

(The new Eagle Scout speaks.)

(After the Eagle Scout has spoken, the drummer begins beating the drum.)

Allowat Sakima: I welcome you, new Eagle, to the summit of your trail. The Eagle is strong and powerful and flies unblinking into the face of the sun. It soars high and builds on a pinnacle. You must not swerve from your duties as an Eagle.

(All proceed out in the same order as they entered).



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