Citizenship Ceremony

This Eagle ceremony is ideal for more than one candidate.


(In the VIP area or on a stage or platform are seated the Mayor of the city, the chairperson of the court of honor, and the MC. Also, the commissioners and other distinguished Scouters and guests. The Commissioner rises and calls the roll of honor. Each Eagle candidate rises when his name is called and advances to the platform where they all stand at attention.)


The MC of the evening delivers the charge to the Eagle Scouts. The Mayor then calls each Scout by name, congratulates him, and presents to him his personal citation in an attractive folder. The Mayor reads the first citation in full. He calls the names of those who follow.

(At the close of the presentation, Scouts about-face, give Scout sign, and repeat the Scout Oath.)

MC: "I have the honor to give you the Eagle Scout charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting. The Boy Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the world's history and you have been chosen worthy of this high rank in the Boy Scouts of America. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. Your position, as you well know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to country, to your fellow Scouts and to humanity.

As you live up to your obligations you bring honor to yourselves and to your brother Scouts. Your responsibility goes beyond Scouting, to your country and your God. America has much to give you and your children after you, but it depends for the most part on the quality of its citizens. Our country has had a great past. Your challenge is to make the future even greater. I charge you to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, each of you, but lead only toward that which is the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to a high level of service to God and to your fellow citizens. So live and serve that those who know you will be inspired to better living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and for selfish ends. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their skills and ability to the common good. Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and reverence for God. Whatever others may say or do, you will leave behind you a record of which every Scout may be proud.

CITATION TO Scout [ Scout's name ],

You joined Troop _____ of _____________ in the _______________ Council, Boy Scouts of America on ________. You advanced to Second class rank on ______________. To First class rank on __________.
You earned _____ merit badges, and because of your character and good citizenship, you achieved Star rank on __________. You received additional badges and awarded the Life rank on __________. You have earned the following badges: (List the badges here.)
In addition to these badges, you were recommended by your parents, your teachers, your Scoutmaster, and others whom we rely on. The court of honor believes you will be a first-class citizen, always worthy of your Eagle Badge of rank.
On behalf of ______________________ Council, Boy Scouts of America, and with the high hope that you will always represent the finest of character and citizenship, we welcome you to the Eagle rank and congratulate you, your parents, and Troop leaders.
This statement signed by the president of the council, Scout Commissioner, Chairperson of the court of honor, District Commissioner, Scoutmaster, and Scout Executive.

Officially presented by: _____________________________

Mayor of the city of _______________________________




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