The following are story ideas you can use during a quiet time in your den meeting. Let each scout pick one these ideas (you can add a few of your own), give him a few minutes and let him finish the story. Imaginations can be very powerful and lots of fun, too.
1. What if a plane landed in the school yard one day?
2. What if you saw a zebra grazing in front of your house one morning?
3. What if you found a turtle in your bathtub?
4. What if you were traveling in a wagon hundreds of years ago?
5. What if your pet could talk?
6. What if someone gave you three wishes: what would you wish for?
7. What if you were principal for a day: what would you do?
8. What if you were invisible?
9. What if aliens took you for a ride in their spaceship?
10. What if you could fly?