Paper Plate Pets
Have the boys decorate the backs of paper plates as the faces of their favorite pet. They can use
crayons and markers, or get a bit fancier with cotton balls, yarn, construction paper, pipe
cleaners, etc. for hair, whiskers, ears, etc.. You can put a handle on the bottom of the plate using
a craft stick or strip of cardboard to make it into a puppet.
Meet My Pet
Tell us about your pet. If you do not have a pet, then write about a pretend pet.
My pet is a _________________ . Its name is ________________ .
My pet is about ________ inches tall and is the color ___________ .
My pet’s birthday is __________ . Its age is ___________ .
I got my pet from ________________________________ .
I feed my pet ____________________________________ .
I keep my pet neat and tidy by __________________________Â .
My pet sleeps in _____________________________________Â .
My pet loves to ______________________________________Â .
Benson Gristmill
Go back in time to the early pioneer days. See what products
were made at a gristmill, and see the inner working of a gristmill.
Location: Drive I-80 or 21st South, west to exit 99, or the Tooele
exit. Then go three (3) miles on Highway 36 to Highway 138.
The mill is adjacent to Stansbury Park.Â
Donations are accepted. Opens May 1st - October 31st
10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. For groups larger than fifteen (15)
please call ahead. 1-435-882-7678.
Great Salt Lake Council