InsaneScouter - GATHERING/PRE-OPENERS 2 - Activities Pre-Openings




The Cubs in pack 3999 has some interesting collections. Find out
what each boy collects what and what rank they are in Scouts.
1. John went over to Jim’s house and took his collection. He did not like sports much so
wasn’t interested in baseball players.
2. John wanted Jim to help him with the Elective where they fingerprint
since Jim had already passed that off the year before. Jim found an ink
pad and helped him.
3. Then he told him about him and his Dad’s collection. He said he wanted to start collecting
Baseball cards like the Wolf because his Dad never let him take his collection out of the
safe deposit box at the bank.
4. They went over to Randy’s house, his collection took the most knowledge even though he
was the youngest Scout.
5. Scott and the Webelos are brothers and didn’t have rocks or butterflies as their collections.


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