The contents of a man's pockets are displayed. Players must deduce their age, profession, and interest in recent activities.
1. Greasy digits ____________________
2. A baseball player ____________________
3. A sarcastic laugh ____________________
4. One of Charlie Brown's girlfriends ____________________
5. A long run ____________________
6. A planet ____________________
7. Overweight ____________________
8. An author ____________________
9. A big mass of stars ____________________
10. What a worker looks forward to ____________________
11. Small Hills ____________________
12. The number before one ____________________
13. A famous trio of men ____________________
14. Definition of an object you can't identify __________________
15. Mountain tops ____________________
16. The terminology of a body builder ____________________
17. The elite street in New York ____________________
18. A large sum of money ____________________
19. Pooh's favorite ____________________
20. A little laugh ____________________
21. A lazy cow ____________________
22. Feline nickname ____________________
23. Opposite of bad and few ____________________
24. Tumbling girl ____________________
25. Lazy Cowboy ____________________
26. African monkey parts ____________________
A Yummy Puzzler Answers