InsaneScouter - Songs, Cheers, And Sparklers/02-07 - Activities Cheers

Songs, Cheers, And Sparklers/02-07


Characters:3-4 boys, dressed as pirates
Props – Treasure chest, balloons filled
with helium inside of the chest
Cub 1 – Hey! We’ve found the
treasure chest-- at last!
Cub 2 – Do you think this might be
THE treasure chest?
Cub 3 – I think so. It’s the right size.
Cub 4 – Do you think it might even have
some of that ancient Spanish money it?
Cub 1 – That would be the greatest if it had that
old money in it called “Spanish Doubloons”.
Cub 2 – Let’s open it and see.
(All join in prying open the lid, acting as if it were
heavy and stuck -- finally opened -- they all yell
All pirates say, “It has Da-Balloons! “It has Da -
Balloons!!” (Let the balloons float out, boys run
off the stage)



1. Why is it so hot after a baseball game?
All the fans have gone home
2. What did one hot dog say to the other hot dog?
Hi Frank!
3. What do you get when you mix a centipede with a parrot?
A Walkie talkie.




(Tune - I’ve Been Working on
the Railroad)
I’ve been working in the backyard,
All the live long day,
I’ve been working in the backyard,
I’ve had no time to play,
Cause some bugs made a bug zoo,
Swam till my skin was turning blue,
Went to Scouts, and made a game
Work is fun ---- Ya Hoo!!



RUN-ON: "The Door"

Cub 1—Walks across the stage carrying a
Cub 2—Why are you carrying a car door?
Cub 1—If it gets hot, I can roll down the

Cub 1 – What kind
of fish are they?
Cub 2 – Jelly Fish
Cub 1 – What flavor
is the jelly?


APPLAUSES/CHEERS  lounge chair

1. SHADES—Pretend to put on your sunglasses and say, “Cool man, really cool.
2. CATSUP—Hit the bottom of the bottle three times and say, “Oh, splat, too much!”
3. MARSHMALLOWS—Put marshmallow on a stick, hold over the fire, it catches on fire, blow
out, say, “Just right.”
4. FRUIT SALAD—Divide the group in three, first say cantaloupe, next say watermelon, last say
5. BEACH—Pretend to take a few steps, stop, take off shoes, and empty out sand. “Dog gone
6. CRAB—Put fingers together with thumbs to make pinchers, and snap together. say, “I’m a little
7. SORE FEET AFTER A LONG HIKE—“Ouch, ouch, ouch,” Sit down and take off your boots.
8. HIKING ON A STEEP GRAVEL TRAIL—You fall and brush off the seat of your pants.
9. CATERPILLAR & LEAF-Hold leaf in both hands, munch along the edge, swallow and burp.


References / Source:
Great Salt Lake Council

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