InsaneScouter - Newslette - 2010 January - Newsletter

Newslette - 2010 January

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

January 25, 2010

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$25 gift certificate at who has a wide selection of Boy Scouts of America Officially Licensed Products. Most products are discounted from the item’s list price and they guarantee your satisfaction 100%. You will also get free FedEx ground shipping. 

$25 gift certificates at is the revolutionary new way to attach badges to Scout uniforms without sewing. Our new “peel & stick” badge adhesive has been tested on all Scout uniform materials and is guaranteed not to fall off in the wash. 

$20 gift certificate for a Pinewood Derby site that specializes in getting dads and lads into the winner's circle. 


I am coming to you today asking for help and feedback. All you have to do is reply to this email to pass on your thoughts to me. 

1) I am looking for stories to use for “Lessons from the past” blog posts. For an example look at

2) If you can suggest any companies to me that my be interested in Ads on InsaneScouter or be represented at Scout Shows (Scout Expos, Scout-O-Ramas, etc) around the nation. Please let me now.

3) I have developed a way to provide free email accounts to the Scouting community. There will, of course, be virus and spam protection, address book, calendar, and a ton of other features. I am planning on having a variety of domains you can pick from for example:,,, etc. Would you signup to have an email account?


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Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Daisy Girl Scout Investiture

Families should be sent an invitation two weeks before the ceremony. Evening ceremonies aresuggested to give working parents an opportunity to attend. Try to give each girl a kaper such as:2-4 girls in flag ceremony; greet guests at door; hand out programs, and usher guests to seats.Two girls carry yellow DAISY center to middle of stage area - one on each side - six feet or morefrom center. Leader on left could use small table for a bowl of daisies,...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Candlelighting Flag Ceremony

This is a fun flag ceremony if you are looking for something a little different. There should be decorated table in front of the room with 4 candles on it; one red candle; one white candle, one blue candle and the final large candle with stars glued on it. You will need 5 girls for the speaking parts of the ceremony and at least 4 others, 3 to carry the flag and a Caller.Begin the ceremony with the first 5...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Candlelight ceremony for Thinking Day

Setting: One large candle preferable multi colored. Six smaller candles onthe table, preferable in six different colors. Each participant should havetheir own candle, mixed colors is best. Start with the large candle lit andlight the six candles off it as the following are read: I light this candle in friendship for all of the people who are older or younger, taller or smaller, richer or poorer than me. I light this candle in friendship for all people who worship differently than me I light this candle...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Candle Ceremonies

CANDLE CEREMONIES- Candlelighting Ceremonies are very traditional in Girl Scouting. When used as part of an Investiture or Rededication Ceremony, the candles represent parts of the Promise and Law. Candlelighting Ceremonies can also be done with the candles representing other things as well. The limit is only the girls' imagination. If a ceremony of this type is desired for younger girls, an alternate solution would be to use flashlights with colored tissue paper covering the lights instead of different colors...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Brownies Gold Walk Investiture

Room setting: Room should resemble woods with a “golden” trail marking the way to the Brownie Woods. In the woods is a wise old owl (paper) in a tree. The trail may be made of construction paper, cardboard, or crepe paper. Be creative.Girls to be invested proceed down “path” accompanied by other members of the troop, girls from sister troop, or the leader may lead the girls. At each obstacle, girls tell about Brownie Scouting, earning their way to the...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Brownie Pond Investiture

Brownie Pond InvestitureProps Needed: Brownie GS “Pond” (can be constructed from a piece of cardboard covered with foil and border with greenery,or use a mirror and border with greenery, or use a real one!) Also need Brownie Pins for each new member. They can be placed on the floor by the pond.Lay pond on the floor in the middle of the ceremony area. If desired, new members can be sent outside with the assistant leader. If new girls stay in...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Un-cooked Dough

This dough is fast and easy to makebecause it doesn’t need to be cooked. It is best to use this dough for makingstuff you want to harden and keep rather than for playing with over and over again. You willneed: 1 cup flour, ¼ cup salt, ½ cup water, food coloring, a bowl and a spoon, plastic tubs orplastic bags.1. In the bowl, stir together the flour and salt and then add the water.2. Mix dough with your hands. If...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Brownie Investiture (light humour)

Three Brownies:1. Carries a big sign saying “I am an Owl”2. Carries a big sign saying “I am a Tree”3. Carries a smaller sign saying “So Am I”Leader enters with three or four Brownies and all repeat the PromiseThey will form a horseshoe on stage so that at the conclusion of the Law all can repeat the Promise and sing a short song.NARRATOR:In GSing we have one Law with ten parts.I will do my best to be honest and fair(Three...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Medals Made from Clay Dough

You can also make medals fromuncooked clay dough that dries hard. Use the recipe below to make thedough.1. Take a small ball of dough and shape it into your medal.2. Make a hole for the yarn or ribbon in the top of the medal using acylindrical object such as a straw or a pencil.3. Set on waxed paper and let dry hard.4. Paint or decorate your medal.5. Thread yarn or ribbon through the hole and tie the ends together so...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts

OpeningWe open our ceremony tonight by lighting these candles to symbolize the warmth in our hearts for our girls, the understanding we have for the Girl Scout Promise, and the respect we show every day to the Girl Scout Law. (the three candles are lit)The Girl Scout PromiseEveryone stands and says the PromiseThe Girl Scout Law Please remain standing as the Law is read.Because you said yesWe will now pause to remember all the reasons why we decided to become...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Adult Investitures

Leader: Today (or tonight) we came in silence as we rededicate ourselves to Scouting. We light three candles signifying the three parts of our Promise as together we renew it. All:On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country, to help people at all times , and tolive by the GS Law .Leader: Our opportunity comes to us through value - the right to grow through our experience in the Promise and Law. This candle becomes a bright...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies
Baloo - Gold

B - is for Boys, boys of all kindsA - is for Anniversary, Cub Scouting's 69thL - is for Leaders, those who guide usO - is for Outdoor fun, all boys enjoy itO - is for Opportunities to advanceG - is for Goals, we learn in Cub ScoutingO - is for Outstanding Program, which our pack leaders provideL - is for Liberty, in years to comeD - is for Do Your Best, our Cub Scout mottoAll...
Home > Resources > Cub Scouts > Tiger
Baloo - Gold

B - is for Boys, boys of all kindsA - is for Anniversary, Cub Scouting's 69thL - is for Leaders, those who guide usO - is for Outdoor fun, all boys enjoy itO - is for Opportunities to advanceG - is for Goals, we learn in Cub ScoutingO - is for Outstanding Program, which our pack leaders provideL - is for Liberty, in years to comeD - is for Do Your Best, our Cub Scout mottoAll...
Home > Resources > Crafts
(Olympic) Medals

You will need: Cardboard, string, craft glue, scissors, hole punch,aluminum foil, yarn/ribbon.1. Cut a circle or other shape (star, square, pentagon, diamond, etc.)for your medal, out of cardboard. Punch a hole near the top ofthe shape.2. Squeeze glue in a design on the cardboard shape. Then pressstring into the glue (some design suggestions include: theOlympic rings, “#1”, “1st Place”, etc.). Note: the string providesa raised pattern that will show when covered with the foil—making the medal look like it was...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts

Can be given as a gift with a candle on April 22nd or done as a ceremony at a appreciation dinner  THE CANDLE(S. Andrews, FWGSC, 1986) There was a child standing outside, alone.  She was absorbed into the wall surrounding her.  By chance someone saw her there, saw her need, and stopped to light her candle……. …..And she, in candlelight…..glows There was a child without confidence.  She was afraid to try, worried about rejection.  Someone let her candle with a smile...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
A Symbolic Investiture - Rededication

A Symbolic Investiture/Rededication(this ceremony can also be adapted for use on Thinking Day)All: Repeat the GS PromiseSpeaker: Juliette Gordon Low knew well that time flies swiftly,Today is soon tommorow,And all of our tommorows lie in the hands of our youthHer gift to youth was GSingAnd her dream a tree of fellowship grown from a tiny seedShe knew the seed would ripenThe tree grewNourished by faithWatered by serviceTended by love(Light one small candle to light the...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Olympic Torch Flames

To celebrate the openong of their Olympic Games have your scouts make “torches”bywrapping cardboard tubes with aluminum foil or paint them gold. Help themput strips ofyellow and orange tissue paper in their tubes for “flames.”...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Several Imstallation Ceremonies

SERVICE UNIT TEAM INSTALLATION CEREMONYWhen service unit team members have been appointed and trained, an appropriate installation ceremony should be held to formally mark the beginning of their term of office.  The installation ceremony may be held at an annual service unit bridging and fly up ceremony or at the June service unit manager's meeting for adults.  The outgoing service unit manager or a representative from the council staff can conduct it.The installation ceremony emphasizes the importance of the service...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Leader Investiture

A LEADER'S INVESTITURE/REDEDICATIONThis can be used at a meeting to invest, or rededicate new leaders.The service unit manager or troop adult should lead the new adult members in saying the following pledge:We, the leaders of (Level) Troop/Group (Number), members of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America, united by our acceptance of the Girl Scout Promise and LawAnd inspired by the vision of the founder of the Girl Scout Movement in the United States, Juliette Gordon Low;Do dedicate...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Salt Dough Medals

Ingredients:2 cups all-purpose flour1 cup salt1 cup waterPreheat Oven to 325°Put the floor and salt into a mixing bowl and mix with a wooden spoon. Mix in the water alittle at a time until the mixture forms a ball of dough. Sprinkle some extra floor onto yourwork surface and put the dough in the center. Roll out the dough until it is a 1/4” think. Cut outcircles with a biscuit cutter, round cookie cutter, or the top of a glass....
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Daisy Girl Scout Investiture III (Sunshine Ceremony)

Theme: Growing Daisy flowers a.k.a., the Sunshine CeremonySupplies·  Daisy Beginning Certificate for each girl·  Daisy membership pin for each girl·  Optional – a silk or fresh daisy flower for each girlCeremonyCharacters: The girls are the flower seedlings.The troop leader or other adult is the main speaker.Staging: All girls stand on one side of the leaders. The other side of theleaders is the “garden”.Beginning PartDaisies are the youngest members of Girl Scouts, but they are deeplyrooted in Girl Scout traditions. The...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Daisy Girl Scout Investiture II (Daisy Flower)

Theme: Daisy flowerSupplies·  Straight pins·  A large (6”) yellow circle for the center of the daisy. A whitedaisy petal (10” long) for each girl in the troop. Post the yellowcenter on a bulletin board. Write each girl’s name on a whitepetal.·  Daisy Membership pins (one per girl)·  Beginning Daisy Certificate (one per girl)Ceremony·  Open with a simple flag ceremony.·  Girls may sing a song they have learned. Girls will repeat the Girl Scout Promisetogether. As each girl comes forward to...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Leaf and Flower Pictures

You will need: construction paper, pressed leaves and flowers, craft glue, crayonsor markers.1. On a sheet of construction paper, arrange flowers and leaves to makedifferent shapes. Perhaps a leaf is a fancy dress, a flower is a hat andmaple keys (seeds) are shoes.2. Use small amounts of glue to hold everything in place.3. Use crayons or markers to add details such as faces and hands to yourpictures....
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Girl Scouts
Daisy Girl Scout Investiture I

Who: For Daisy Girl Scouts, their leaders, and parents/guardians (if desired).What: Ceremony to welcome girls into the Girl Scout family.Where: At your meeting place, school, church, or a community room.When: After you have paid your membership fee and met for about a month and have had anopportunity to discuss the Girl Scout Promise and Law in a way that means something to DaisyGirl Scouts.Why: Make the girls feel a part of Girl Scouts. Each girl should receive a Beginning Certificate...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Opening
1925 Flag Ceremonies

Pulled from the Scouting for Girls Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts copyright 1925. (It is addressed under How to Conduct a Scout meeting.)1. One long whistle blast: Silence, listen for orders.2. Three short whistle blasts: "Fall In," or "Assemble", three paces in front of Captain, Squad formation.3. "Right Dress", "Front."4. Inspection   Captain inspects for posture, and for personal appearance, which should be neat, and clean in every particular, and uniform, which should be correct as to style, length, placing...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Pressing Leaves and Flowers

You will need: fresh leaves and flowers, an old phone book, or newspaper and a catalog, scrappaper, heavy books.1. Pick or cut the flowers and leaves to press.2. Open the phone book near the back. Place a few flowers and leaves as open and flat aspossible face down on the page. Leave lots of space around each one.3. If you are using newspaper and a catalog instead of a phone book, place at least twolayers of newspaper in the open...


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Outdoor Gym

Everyone needs to exercise to stay healthy. Unfortunately, most of us don't exercise because of time or it's just well boring. Luckily for us, there are outdoor activities can offer many of the same benefits that a gym does. However in my mind the outd...

Lessons from the past... Poison Ivy

When my dad was a Scout they were on some kind of hike like all good Scout Troops do. One of the Scouts needed to fertilize the forest really badly and found a good looking spot. After doing his thing the Scout grabbed a handful of leaves to use to ...

New Year and New Burn Out

We are in the 100th year of Scouting!!!  We are planning for the next 12 months what we are going to do with our Pack.  Oh, and surprise, we need you to take over the Pack Coordinator for Cub Scout Day Camp position.If you got this far and ...

Lessons from the past... Grand Canyon

As a Scout, I backpacked the Grand Canyon twice. The first time we did it was my first long term, and my first serious backpacking trip. As a side note, the hike down only takes 4 to 5 hours, but the hike out takes 8 to 12 hours depending on your cond...

A Tale By Scott

Please enjoy Drew on Trial written and read by Scott Robertson. The story is about an adolescent boy who is on trial for having a messy room and in possession of stolen objects. The audio is 2 minutes and 52 seconds...

Hiking Games

ALPHABET HIKE- Find objects in nature that have names beginning with each letter of the alphabet.BIRD HIKE- Look for different birds. See if you know them by sight. Look for nests, but don’t touch. COLOR HIKE- Find things all the same color. If ...

Trail Scavenger Hunt

Here is a list I came across that may give you ideas of a scavenger hunt you can do when on the trail. Please respect the leave no trace principles, take pictures not nature, leave footprints not trash and kill only time.  ...

Oh No I Am Lost

The Hug-A-Tree Foundation began as a result of the tragic death of a young boy during a family campout in San Diego County. The boy got lost on a popular trail and was found dead four days later. His parents and some searchers formed the Hug-A-Tree F...

Bow Drill Fire

Have you ever wondered how to start a fire using a bow drill? I have and will eventually be trying this on my own. In the meantime here is a good article I found on how to do it.

Written Resources

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Happy New Years

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Char Cloth

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Blogs and Podcasts


BSA Cracker Barrel
Two Dallas-area Boy Scouts get Heroism Award
You tell your Scouts to "Be Prepared" for anything, but would they know what to do when a model rocket flies off course and into the chest of one...
25 Jan 2010 | 9:45 am

758 Boy Scouts of Harlem
Studio Recording-Big Scout Grace
Here’s a new behind the scenes video shot when the theme for our film was recorded at City College in Harlem. ...
25 Jan 2010 | 9:24 am

Nicks Ramblings
The ‘Cost’ of Scouting
It’s that time of year, where after the annual Census has been completed, it’s now time to pay up! For each Scout (& Beaver etc.) and Leader, the Group has...
25 Jan 2010 | 8:04 am

Hour A Week
An Hour A Week? #211
#211-Five Years Dead If you’re looking for Scouting tips, this episode is not for you! It’s our five year anniversary and we talk about everything AHAW related, play the entire first...
25 Jan 2010 | 7:57 am

Trail Cooking & The Outdoors
Mountain Mama
Not coming till this spring sadly but soon Mountain Mama will be on the market. As a Mom who has raised one outdoorsy kid (yeah, you all know him as Ford)...
25 Jan 2010 | 7:06 am

BSA Cracker Barrel
BSA Motorsports will get your guys revved up for Scouting
At speeds that surpass 200 miles per hour, IndyCar racing offers fans nonstop thrills. So it’s a natural fit with the Boy Scouts of America, an organization that’s been serving up...
25 Jan 2010 | 6:12 am



Random Scout News


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Cub Scouts Work To Dispose Worn, Tattered Flags - Central Florida News 13
Cub Scouts Work To Dispose Worn, Tattered FlagsCentral Florida News 13LAKE COUNTY -- A Lake County Cub Scout pack is working with its local American Legion to properly dispose of...
25 Jan 2010 | 6:55 pm

Cub Scouts Work To Dispose Worn, Tattered Flags (Central Florida News 13)
A Lake County Cub Scout pack is working with its local American Legion to properly dispose of worn and tattered U.S. flags...
25 Jan 2010 | 6:49 pm

Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma make cookie history - Edmond Sun
Everything Long Beach (press release)Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma make cookie history Edmund SunCITY — As the 2010 Girl Scout Cookie sale gets underway, Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma has...
25 Jan 2010 | 6:08 pm

Area scouts set to begin food drive (Thomasville Times-Enterprise)
THOMASVILLE — The third annual “Scouting for Food Drive” is scheduled to take place Saturday through Feb. 6. This year’s event will include last year’s top collecting Scout group, Cub...
25 Jan 2010 | 5:09 pm

Helping Scouts stay in line online: Annual outing includes computer education - (press release)
Helping Scouts stay in line online: Annual outing includes computer (press release)Girl Scouts leader and Sauk counselor Janet Matheney wanted the fourth- and fifth-graders to think about which online...
25 Jan 2010 | 4:01 pm

2009 Produces Record Number of Eagle Scouts in Occoneechee Council
The Occoneechee Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has announced that a total of 414 young men earned their Eagle Scout Award in 2009. That is a nine...
25 Jan 2010 | 3:42 pm



Scouts In Action


They Saved the Baby from the River!
John Fitzgerald, 9, Christian Nanson, 11, and other members of Pack 100 and Troop 100 were swimming in Nebraska's Platte River when Christian spotted a baby floating facedown in the water. Listen as they describe how they saved the baby in a true story of Scouts in Action....
20 Jun 2008 | 1:57 pm

He saved the boy from the riptide!
As Todd Staszak, 15, was bodyboarding at Hatteras, N.C., he heard cries for help. A man was trying to save his son and his son's friend as a powerful riptide pulled the boys away from shore. Listen as Todd and others describe how he rescued the boys in a true story of Scouts in Action....
29 May 2008 | 9:34 am

He saved his friends from the oncoming car!
As Trevor Robinson, 18, and four friends were walking across the parking lot of their school in Carmichael, Calif., a car traveling almost 30 miles an hour rounded a corner and headed straight for them. Listen as Trevor and others describe how he saved his friends' lives in a true story of Scouts in Action....
23 Apr 2008 | 8:42 am



Thoughts to Ponder

Its Only A Pin

Two fond parents watch their boy where he stands, Apart from his comrades tonight, And see placed on his camp-battered tunic, a badge... An Eagle... the emblem of right.

It seems just a few short months have passed since he joined with the youngsters next door... How proud they were then of their Tenderfoot pin As they told of the message it bore.

But the years have gone as he struggled along To learn what the Scout Law's about; He practiced them daily, the Oath and the Law, Until now he is an Eagle Scout.

You may smile in your worldly wisdom at this And say, "Why it's only a pin." But I'll tell you, no honors he'll gain as a man Will mean quite as much to him.

The red, white and blue of the ribbon you see Are the symbols of honor and truth. He has learned how to value these fine attributes In the glorious days of his youth.

And the out-flinging wings of the Eagle that rests On the breast of this knight of today Are the wings which will lift him above petty deeds, And guide him along the right way.

Yes, it's only a pin, just an Eagle Scout badge, But the heart beneath it beats true, And will throb to the last for the things that are good; A lesson for me... and for you.


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