InsaneScouter - Oct 14, 2009 Newsletter - Newsletter

Oct 14, 2009 Newsletter

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

October 14, 2009

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Oct 14, 2009 Updates


  1. The winners of the Scout Camp The Movie dvds are ... drum roll please ...

    beat beat bam bam thump thud ... ok dog thats enough tail action...


    Congratulations. Drop me an email so that I can get ThreeCoins to drop the movies into the mail for you...

  2. The next contest will be announced shortly, so keep your eyes open for it...

  3. Please take just a few minutes to complete our survey at Your response will truly help us to improve InsaneScouter ...

  4. Would you like to write a short article once a week for the InsaneScouter Ramblings Blog? If so please let me know.

  5. I am looking for camping, outdoor, backpacking, Scout skill type tips. They need to be short, like a several sentence paragraph. If you have any tips to share please drop me an email.

  6. I have created a new "promote us" page you can find it at{user_id}. This page includes a daily tip widget, various ads and text links you can use to promote InsaneScouter. As an update this page also now includes 4 fliers you can easily print out and share.

  7. It takes a lot of time and a fair penny to keep InsaneScouter running. The revenue generated by the ads really do help keep us online, but in all honesty just barely. With the current economy and the fact that I am currently unemployed it is becoming a struggle to keep everything up and running. Please take a moment to drop something into our virtual tip jar



New Content


Home > Resources > Crafts
Leopard Mask

Use this mask as a startingpoint, let your imaginationroam far and wide.Use different colored foam and beads so eachperson can make their mask unique.What you’ll need:• Fun Foam – brown• Fun Foam – leopard print• Elastic Cord - 12 inches• Craft glue• Scissors• Hole Punch, small• Pony beads, black, 4• Pony beads, orange, 8• Pony beads, tan, 41. Trace pattern. Cut shapes out of leopardprint and brown foam. If Leopard print foam isnot available, you can use markers and makethe...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Knot Trick

Materials needed: A string or rope about 20 inches long.Place the string on a table and challenge your friends to holdone end of the string in each hand and tie a knot — without lettinggo of the string. No matter how hard they try, they will notbe able to tie a knot without releasing at least one hand.How to do it: Cross your arms, bend over the string, and grabthe ends in your hands. Uncross your arms without letting go...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Paper-Mache Treasure

Materials needed:Newspaper, flour, water, shallow bowl, balloon small object.Using a 9” or 12” balloon stretch the balloon around the small object. Blow the balloon up partway and tie it. Tear the newspaper into 1” x 3” strips. If the balloon is small adjust the stripsaccordingly. Mix the flour and water (1 cup flour to 1 cup water) together in the bowl. Drag thepaper strip through the glue (flour and water) mixture and place on the balloon. Overlap the strips so that...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Pocket, Pocket

Materials needed: Pocket from a pair of old pants or scrap material, small objects.Cut out a pocket from an old pair of pants. Be sure to include the back of the pants that is behindthe pocket as well. A pocket can also be made from scrap material. Decorate the pocket ifdesired. Fill the pocket with small objects, coins, and other hard to identify items.Write down what is inside and keep the list separate. See if members of the den/pack or...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Materials needed: Wax paper, old crayons, butter knife, iron, towel scissors.With a butter knife shave off pieces of old crayons. Lay the towel on a table orironing board. Place one piece of wax paper on the towel. Sprinkle the crayonshavings on the wax paper. Lay a second piece of wax paper on top of theshavings. Cover with a cloth or paper towel. With the iron set to medium-low(no steam) iron across the wax paper for about 15 seconds, or until...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Walnut Racers

Materials needed:Walnut shells, marbles, markers, wiggle eyes, felt, yarn glue.Pry the walnut shells apart carefully. Clean the walnut meat out. Smooth out the surface of the insideof the shell. Glue the marble inside the shell. If it is a deep shell you may need to add a foampiece so that the marble clears the edge of the shell. Decorate the outside of the shell to makeyour creature unique. Find or make a slanted surface and race the creatures. The marble...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Pocket Buddies

Keep these little guys in your pocket. Every time you feel them it will remind you to Do a GoodTurn Daily and to Do Your Best!WHAT YOU WILL NEED:Smooth rocks, any shapeAcrylic PaintsPaint BrushesSponge BrushesSharpie PensWater Base Clear VarnishPaper Towels to wipe brushes, paper plates to use aspalette, and a cup of water to rinse brushesPOCKET BUDDIES INSTRUCTIONS:Step 1: Paint entire rock one solid color. Allow first side to dry before turning over and paintingopposite side.Step 2: Paint rock using...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Pocket Art

WHAT YOU WILL NEED:Pre-washed cotton T-shirt with a pocketAcrylic paintPaint brushesCardboard cut to fit in-between front and back of shirtCardboard cut to fit inside pocketPaper Towels to wipe brushes onPaper Plates to use as palettePOCKET ART INSTRUCTIONS:Step 1: Slide cardboard into the shirt pocket.Step 2: Paint nose and fingertips on the top edge of the pocket itself.Step 3: Paint knuckles and tops of hands just above the pocket. Line up with fingertips.Step 4: Paint head. Fill in entire area one...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Metal Buckets

Materials needed: Small metal bucket, stickers, and markers.Decorate the bucket withstickers and markers. Practicemaking letters different waysand let the boys add their nameor a phrase onto the bucket. Fill with treatsand papers from each other saying good thingsabout that person....
Home > Resources > Crafts
Custom Stamps

Materials needed: Potatoes,sponges, styrofoam, foam, wood and scissors.All these materials canmake custom stamps.Draw the design on paperbefore beginning. To use potatoes cut the potatoin half (lengthwise or crosswise). Draw thedesign on the exposed part of the potato. Carefullyusing a knife carve about ¼” down. Carveaway the part of the potato not in the design.The rest of the potato serves as the handle.Throw away when finished using. Foam spongesof all sizes can be used to make stamps.Simply cut the sponge in...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Coloured Coffee Filters

Materials needed: Paper coffee filters, food coloring, water, eyedroppers, and scissors.Lay out the coffee filters on a table coveredwith newspaper or other material to protect thetable. Get separate containers for each color.Add water to the containers and then somedrops of food coloring. Using the eyedropperslet each boy drop some colors onto his filterpaper. The colors will run when they touch thefilter paper. After drying cut into fun shapes, orscrunch together in the center and wrap a pipecleaner around the center...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Den / Pack T-shirt

Materials needed:T-shirt, acrylic paints, fabric medium, foam stamps, cardboard, markers,brushes or cotton swabs, plastic plates.Most craft stores have inexpensive shirts, oreach boy could bring one from home. Put some paint on plastic plates (1 color perplate). Add fabric medium to each paint color.This helps the paint to adhere to the fabric andmakes it washable. Place the cardboard inside the shirt so the paint and markers don’t bleedthrough to the other side. The shirts could start with a den or pack...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Paper Dove Craft

You won’t mind this flying critter invadingyour picnic.Made from paper plates and plastic spoons.What you’ll need:•Paper Plate•Scissors•Tape•Two Plastic spoons•Pebble•Rubber band•Markers1. Cut the paper plate in half, then cut one halfinto three equal wedges. Tape one wedge to thebottom of the intact half.2. Draw the bird’s face on one spoon withthe markers. Then sandwich the pebblebetween the two spoon bowls, then windthe rubber band around the spoon to holdthe spoons together.3. Tape the spoons to the bottom of thepaper plate half.To...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Paper Frog Puppet

This is a prince among frogs.What you’ll need:•Dessert Paper Plate•Green Paint•Utility knife•Scissors•Tape•Construction Paper,green, red, white andblack1. Completely paint the paper plate green. Letit dry.2. Fold the plate in half and use a utility knifeto make a 1” slit (for the frog’s tongue) in thecenter of the fold.3. Create a fingerhold on the underside of thebody using a 2” x 3” piece of green constructionpaper.4. Center it on the bottom of the folded plateand tape the shorter edges in place.5. For...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Cub Scout Wind Chime

Materials needed: Styrofoam ball, clay pot, blue, yellow and white felt, yellow fabric, blue pipe cleaner, twine, wooden spool, wooden wheel, and hot glue.The diameter of the styrofoam ball should be just a little larger than thebottom of the clay pot. Turn the clay pot upside down. Cover the clay potwith blue felt (Scout shirt). A few slits may need to be cut so that the feltwith fit snug at the top of the pot. Cut out two blue sleeves...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Tool Tote

Materials needed:Large plastic bottle, felt or fun foam, yarn or lacing, and scissors.Cut the top and part of the side of the bottle with the scissors. Make sure to leave the handlefor easier carrying. For a pocket on the side cut a strip of felt or foam long enough to go aroundthe bottle leaving a small gap. Cut the strip about 4” wide. Fold the strip in half and punch holesthrough both layers at each end. Wrap the pocket, folded...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Pencil Holder

Materials needed: Soup can or plastic juice container, masking tape, shoe polish.Wash out and dry the can or container. If using a metal can bend down anysharp edges with pliers. Tear small pieces of masking tape and place in randomorder on the container until the whole container is covered. Overlap the edges ofthe tape slightly. Using a towel, napkin or sandwich bag rub the shoe polish ontothe masking tape on the container. Allow to dry then lightly rub any extra...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Stone Magnets

Materials needed:Clear pebbles (vase fillers) about the size of a quarter, circle magnet, picture,sticker, or saying, and hot glue.Trace around the pebble. Cut the picture inside the tracing lines. With glue that dries clearglue the picture to the pebble. You should be able to see the picture through the curved side ofthe pebble. Using hot glue attach the magnet to the backside of the picture.Allow glue to dry before using as a magnet....
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Closing
One Drop Of Blue Closing Ceremony

Equipment: One clear gallon glass jar, full of water and blue food coloring. The Cubmaster drops one drop of blue food coloring into the gallon of water. Watch as one drop of blue becomes a larger and larger circle until it becomes so diluted that it no longer is visible. One little drop of blue may do its best to fill the whole jar. One Cub Scout (in blue) can also influence those around him by his actions and words. Optional: Have a Living Circle...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Camping Picture Frame

What you’ll need:Black Foam for frame – 5”x7”Foam – Brown (logs), Yellow (flame), Orange(flame)Wiggle EyesTacky Glue or Low Temp Glue GunScissorsPhotoTapeCut the black foam into a frame – cut out thecenter into a rectangle or an oval shape.Cut out brown foam for logs, Yellow and orangeshapes for the flames.Glue the Yellow flames to the black foamframe, then glue on the orange flame then thebrown logs.Glue pairs of wiggle eyes to the rest of theframe.Tape a photo to the back of...
Home > Resources > Crafts
Aborigine Music Sticks

Australian Aborigines used sticks in ceremonialdances. With decorated paint stirrers, youcan be a one man percussion section, clappingalong to your favorite music. The indigenouspeople of Australia, or Aborigines, use dotpainting as a form of storytelling. With dots ofpaint traditionally made from natural pigments,they create patterns and images of plants andanimals that represent their culture’s creationmyths, which date back tens of thousands ofyears.          What you’ll need:•Four paint stirrer sticks•Acrylic Paint (brown, white, black and yellow)•Paintbrush•Cotton swabs•Tacky glue1. To make a set, paint...
Home > Resources > Activities > Songs
I've Got That Cub Scout Spirit

I’ve got that Cub Scout spirit up in my head Up in my head, Up in my head I’ve got that Cub Scout spirit up in my head Up in my head to stay Repeat verse above and sing in turn: Deep in my heart Down in my feet All over me Last Verse I’ve got that Cub Scout spirit up in my head Deep in my heart, down in my feet I’ve got that Cub Scout spirit all over me All over me to stay....
Home > Resources > Activities > Skits
Making a Cub Scout

Characters: Child, Two Leaders, Two Parents Props: You will need a large table for the child to lie on during the “operation.” The “doctor” can carry a large cardboard knife. Props to be “removed” are tacked to the back of the table, out of sight. Those to be “put in” can be placed nearby. (Props are listed where used.) Narrator: We are about to instruct you in the method of making a Cub Scout. To complete this project, you will need one small eager boy, two...
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag Opening
Scouting History Opening Ceremony

Cubmaster: Robert Baden-Powell, a British hero, started Scouting in England. He developed Scouting as an outdoor program for boys with ideals built in. It was a way of thinking, a way of living, a way of doing things. Today, Scouting is still a program filled with fun and adventure. Men who earned badges as Scouts have served on the Supreme Court, in the United States House of Representatives, and in the United States Senate. The late President John F. Kennedy was the first president who had been...


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Kamp Kitchen - Ice Chests

There are many different types and sizes of coolers. For most of our campouts, ones that plug into the car will be too small, and not practical for extended stays. I also find the cheap foam throw away ones not the best option for campout after campout...

Kamp Kitchen - First Aid Kit

Personally I believe it is a good idea to always have a first aid kit in the kitchen. First aid kits and what it contains can vary wildly. The one I have pictured is a smaller one I carry hiking and camping as my personal kit. I also have a large grou...

interview Director of 759: Boy Scouts of Harlem

I recently had the chance to interview Jake Boritt the Director of 759: Boy Scouts of Harlem. Hope you enjoy. What was the motivation, the drive behind making the film? I had recently moved to Harlem and was fascinated by the neighborhood. I was...

Kamp Kitchen – Tables

When in camp, what kind of tables do you use? I bet this is a silly question for many of you, as you go to established campsites and use the existing panic tables. What do you do if you camp in a place with no tables, or not enough tables? What I lik...

Murphy's Scouts laws

This was posted on a Scout mailing list and thought it was radically accurate so I am sharing. The other is unknown, but if anyone does not the author or source to credit it to, I would be happy to do so. Murphy's Scouts laws The child w...

Kamp Kitchen – Portable Water

A lot of the campouts I did with the Scouts were to places that have no facilities, no water, tables, bathroom... nothing. This meant we had to bring everything in and take everything out. In this brief post just wanted to point out different kind of...

Fuzzy and Scout Sept 28

Hi All, Fuzzy and Scout here, we hope you all have had nice summer holidays and are all back at Scouts / Cubs whatever again. We have had our first cubby meetings and it was really fun, although not everyone was happy to go back to school. As we are bear...

Scout Recruitment - Part 2

 Visibility One of my first moments when I considered enrolling my son in scouting was while visiting his elementary school shortly after we had moved. While searching out classrooms I saw several groups of children pass by. It se...

Lightening Round Contest

The next InsaneScouter contest has begun it will end in about 36 hours when I announce a winner. All you have to do is share the below message on twitter and facebook. I will pick one of you as the winner. Up for grabs is the 759: Boy Scouts or Harle...


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Blogs and Podcasts


Scouting Maniac
Scouting Skills IQ Test
Here are the questions to a Scout Skills IQ test: Where and when did the first Scout camping trip take place? What does GPS stand for? GPS is nifty, but the ever-reliable compass...
14 Oct 2009 | 8:59 pm

Scouting Maniac
Scout Healthy Food Tips
Here are some healthy eating tips from Scouting magazine: Water instead of soda: -150 calories (12 oz. serving) Pretzels instead of chips: ...
14 Oct 2009 | 8:53 pm

Scouting Maniac

BSA Press Release for New jamboree home: National Executive Board News I am writing to share some exciting news. Today, our National Executive Board took another significant step toward establishing a...
14 Oct 2009 | 8:45 pm

Trail Cooking & The Outdoors
Quick Article On Lentils
I saw this great article on lentils posted up PackitGourmet’s Facebook page last week. I love lentils and have incorporated them into a number of recipes in the past couple...
14 Oct 2009 | 1:34 pm

Scoutmaster Minute
A recent Comment
I recently received a comment from a fellow named Scott.  He was commenting on the "Self express yourself out" post. He writes; "You should also be clear about not judging without...
13 Oct 2009 | 2:20 pm

Scoutmaster Minute
Self express yourself out
I had an interesting encounter today at work.  I came out of one of my customer's establishments to meet a young person that seemed rather upset.  He was dressed rather...
13 Oct 2009 | 1:44 pm



Random Scout News


View all news at all news


Girl Scouts hold Kick Off Camp - Fulda Free Press
Fulda Free PressGirl Scouts hold Kick-Off CampFulda Free PressOn September 19 the Fulda Girl Scouts celebrated Kick Off Camp at Fulda City Park (sleeping inside this year due to...
14 Oct 2009 | 10:06 pm

Boy Scouts Holding Popcorn Sale - Jamestown Post Journal
Boy Scouts Holding Popcorn SaleJamestown Post JournalThe Boy Scouts of America, working in conjunction with the Support Our Troops organization, in September sent 4400 bags of Trail's End Trail Mix...
14 Oct 2009 | 9:43 pm

Boy Scouts Holding Popcorn Sale - Jamestown Post Journal
Boy Scouts Holding Popcorn SaleJamestown Post JournalTo support the effort, call the Allegheny Highlands Council Service Center during normal business hours at 665-2697 or find your local Cub Scout or...
14 Oct 2009 | 9:43 pm

Boy Scouts 100th-anniversary plans continue to be made (The Martinsburg Journal)
WINCHESTER, Va. - Local Boy Scouts continue to plan for the 100th anniversary of Scouting next year, organizing events and programs that will kick off early in 2010. The Boy...
14 Oct 2009 | 9:20 pm

Boy Scouts 100th-anniversary plans continue to be made - Martinsburg Journal
Boy Scouts 100th-anniversary plans continue to be made Martinsburg JournalLocal Boy Scouts continue to plan for the 100th anniversary of Scouting next year, organizing events and programs that will kick...
14 Oct 2009 | 9:20 pm

Boy Scouts 100th-anniversary plans continue to be made - Martinsburg Journal
Boy Scouts 100th-anniversary plans continue to be made Martinsburg JournalOpen to the public, the Scout-a-Rama will combine an old fashioned Scout show, camporee, Cub Scout family camp, and Venturing/Explorer extravaganza,...
14 Oct 2009 | 9:20 pm


Scouts In Action


They Saved the Baby from the River!
John Fitzgerald, 9, Christian Nanson, 11, and other members of Pack 100 and Troop 100 were swimming in Nebraska's Platte River when Christian spotted a baby floating facedown in the water. Listen as they describe how they saved the baby in a true story of Scouts in Action...
20 Jun 2008 | 1:57 pm

He saved the boy from the riptide!
As Todd Staszak, 15, was bodyboarding at Hatteras, N.C., he heard cries for help. A man was trying to save his son and his son's friend as a powerful riptide pulled the boys away from shore. Listen as Todd and others describe how he rescued the boys in a true story of Scouts in Action...
29 May 2008 | 9:34 am

He saved his friends from the oncoming car!
As Trevor Robinson, 18, and four friends were walking across the parking lot of their school in Carmichael, Calif., a car traveling almost 30 miles an hour rounded a corner and headed straight for them. Listen as Trevor and others describe how he saved his friends' lives in a true story of Scouts in Action...
23 Apr 2008 | 8:42 am



Thoughts to Ponder



Words are a very powerful thing Sometimes the most powerful thing in the world Don't believe me? It was a few words by a German Dictator that plunged the world into war It was the words of a US President that put a man on the moon

Words can lift a people like I HAD A DREAM or crush a nation like the words said that sent 2 planes into the Twin Towers on 9.11

it's not only the powerful or famous that can use words A Doctor brought joy and love to your families by simply saying "Its a boy" A bully could push a child to tears with words like idiot, stupid, jerk

Lord Baden Powell gave us 12 simple words to live by How one uses words can define them forever

Listen to how you use your words What do your words say about you?


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders