InsaneScouter - Newsletter - 2004 - March - Newsletter

Newsletter - 2004 - March

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

InsaneScouter News

Volume: 3

Issue: 3

March 2004

Thank you for subscribing to the InsaneScouters monthly newsletter. It is our intention to provide you with information and resources to help you run your units program. Please reply to this newsletter if you have any suggestions on how we can better help you.

Please forward this newsletter to all your friends in Scouting



(Note, some requirements may be out of date)
Program Theme InsaneScouter Resources
Cub Scouts Walk in My Shoes

(off site)
Baloo's Bugle (pdf)
Denver Area Council 2004 Pow Wow (pdf)
Desert District's Roundtable Handout (word)
Razorback District (pdf)



Athlete - Being Healthy
Athlete - Exercise Crossword
Athlete - The Warm-Up
Athlete - Fitness Circle

Engineer - Careers & Bridges
Engineer - Catapult Plans
Engineer - Rubberbands

Boy Scouts

Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness How to Exercise
Physical Fitness Strength Training
Nutrition Health

(off site)
BSA Physicaly Fitness Award



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I am proud to announce many of the new features and content now available at InsaneScouter. Below you will find a list of what these updates are and where to find them.

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10 New Scout Books now avilable at Insane Trading Hut

InsaneScouter proudly announces the addition of 10 New Great Scouting books by Thomas C. Mercaldo to our Insane Trading Hut. These books are currently available at over 200 Scout Shops around the country, however we at InsaneScouter are currently making them available On-line for your convenience. Scout jokes, riddles, skits and lots more is what you will discover when you read these books, so don't delay order them so you'll have them to use at your next meeting or outing.

  1. Along the Scouting Trail
  2. Scout Cheers
  3. Scout Jokes
  4. Scoutmaster Minutes
  5. Scoutmaster Minutes II
  1. Scout Puzzles & Activity Book
  2. The Scout Riddle Book
  3. Scout Skits
  4. More... Scout Skits
  5. Superior Campfires

By buying these books from InsaneScouter today you are making it possible for us to keep this newsletter and all the other great resources we offer available to you and the millions of other Scouts and Scouters in the world today.

Click Here to go to the Insane Trading Hut Now

Skits / Applauses / Fables / Songs


Big Hand Applause: Leader says "Let's give [name] a Big Hand."  Everyone holds up one hand with palm out.

Big Hand With Feeling Applause: Leader says "Let's give [name] A Big Hand."  Everyone holds up one hand with palm out.  Then leader says "With feeling" and everyone "feels" with their hand while it's up in the air.

Big Thumb Applause: Hold your hand in front of you, make a fist, hold your thumb up and say :"Great Job!"

DYB (Do Your Best) Applause: Leader chants "DYB, DYB, DYB, DYB, Do Your Best." Group responds with "We'll DOB, DOB, DOB, Do Our Best." Repeat two times.

Good Job Cheer: Divide the room in half.  As you point to one side, they say "Good".  When you point to the other half of the audience, they say "Job".  Vary the speed and the direction you point.  Aim for volume

Howdy Cheer: "How, how, howdy partner!"

THE GOOD EGG AWARD-used to recognize someone who doesn't crack under pressure or puts up with anything you dish out. You can present someone with one of those plastic Easter Eggs or make a plaque with an egg.

THE HEART AND SOUL AWARD-for someone in the Pack or Den. Cut out the shape of a shoe and glue a heart shape on it.

THE HELPING HAND AWARD-for someone who helps whenever they're needed. Blow-up a latex glove and tie it or trace your hand and use a spring to hold it on a piece of cardboard or wood.

YOU'RE A REAL LIFESAVER AWARD-for someone who has saved the day. Present someone with a pack of lifesavers or glue a lifesaver on a piece of cardboard or wood.

THEE IS NO ONE QUITE LIKE YOU AWARD-for someone who has a unique talent or gift. Cut out a snowflake and glue it on a piece of cardboard.

STICK TO IT AWARD ALSO THE CHEWS TO BE SUCCESSFUL AWARD-for someone who has stayed on the job no matter what or one adult or boy who needs encouragement to do a job. Present someone with a pack of gum or glue a stick of gum on a plaque.


JANE: Which is faster, hot or cold?
JOHN: Beats me, Which?
JANE: Hot is. You can catch a cold.

JANE: What did the father snowman say to his son when they got into the car?
JOHN: Don't turn on the heater.

JANE: “What's wrong, John?”
JOHN: “I bought a camouflage sleeping bag.”
JANE: “What's wrong with that?”
JOHN: “I can't find it.”

DOCTOR: “Now, Jake stick out your tongue.”
JANE: “No way! I got into trouble for doing that at home!”


The Hoot N' Holler Tribute

Here is a simple, humorous skit which you can adapt to pertain to your home town newspaper. It is easy to produce, requiring very little in the way of costumes and props. The action is mostly pantomime and the dialogue is quick and easy to remember.

There are eight characters in the skit. You could add more characters very easily, if you wish, by increasing the number of reporters. Instead of one reporter, you could have a sports reporter, a society reporter, etc. You could also have other editors. No doubt you will have ideas of your own which you will want to include to make the skit more applicable to the people on the staff of your local newspaper.

Editor: Dressed in shirt sleeves and wearing an eyeshade.
Reporter: Wears fedora hat pushed back on his head. Has sign “Reporter” on hat band.
Copy Boy: Dressed as a person from the 60's — flower child type.
Linotypist: Dressed in work clothes. Carries a clothesline.
Walter Willtell: Wears fedora hat, loud tie and suit.
Proofreader: Wears a “Sherlock Holmes” hat and carries a magnifying glass.
Office boy: Wears sweater and slacks and has long white beard.
Cub Reporter: Wears Dr. Denton Pajamas and a fedora hat. Carries a teddy bear.

Two desks: One with a sign “Editor” on it and a shallow box at each side, one labeled “Incoming” and the other labeled “Outgoing”. Other desk is for reporter. Provide two or three toy telephones for Editor's desk, plus a wastebasket. Place a typewriter on Reporter's desk.
Alarm clocks: These are out of sight and are set to go off at regular intervals during the skit.
“The End” sign: This is hidden behind Editor's desk.
Ice Cream Scoop: This is carried by Copy Boy.

Do a Good Turn

Cub 1: Comes on stage turning around.

Cub 2: Comes on stage doing frontward rolls.

Cub 3: Comes on stage rolling over and over.

Cub 4: Comes on stage doing cartwheels.

Cub 5: “What are you doing?”

All Cubs: ‘Don't you know a good turn when you see one?”


Do Your Best
(Tune: Are You Sleeping)

When you do your best
When you do your best
You'll feel great
You'll feel great

Make and do for others
Make and do for others
Spread good cheer
Spread good cheer

Be Kind To Your . . . Scouting Friends
(Tune: Stars and Stripes Forever)

Be kind to your . . . Scouting friends,
That's a pledge from one Scout to another.
Be kind to your leaders today,
'Cause for helping they don't get any pay.
Be kind to your neighbors and friends,
'Cause by caring you follow Scouting's letter.
. . . Scouting and friendship are grand,
And as we grow, the world will know,
We've made things better.

A Cub Scout's Smile
(Tune: When Irish Eyes are Smiling)

When Cub Scouts all are smiling
Sure it's like a morn in spring
For a mid their joy and laughter
You can hear the music ring.

When all the pack is happy
and the night seems bright and gay,
With that fine Cub Scouting spirit,
Sure it wins you right away.

Tommv the Cub Scout
(Tune: Frosty the Snowman)

Tommy the Cub Scout
Was a very happy boy,
With a uniform of blue and gold
And a den that gave him joy.

Tommy the Cub Scout
Earned his badges one by one
He did his best and met the test
A good citizen he's become.

He helps out other people when
He sees they need a lot.
He does his chores around the house
And feeds his dog named spot.

Tommy the Cub Scout
Does his duty willingly.
Someday he'll join a Boy Scout Troop
And a fine man he will be.


Hand Painted Cards

For these two types of hand printed cards you will need: blocks of wood, heavy string, sponge, ink pad or acrylic paint, any type of paper. Always place the card to be printed on a pad of newspapers.

String Cards:

Use a block of wood the size of your design. Trace the design onto the wood and outline with string that has been dipped in glue. Use straight pins to hold the design in place at any comers until dry.

Make sure the whole string design is the same thickness to make a good print. After the string is dry, press your design block. on the ink pad or into paint, blot on paper towels and then press onto card. Hammer top of wood block. Lightly to transfer design to card.

Sponge Cards:

Use a fine grained synthetic sponge about l/4” thick. for ease of cutting. Cut sponge to desired shape and glue to wooden block. Dip sponge into paint or press onto ink pad, blot on paper towels and then onto card. Add any line details by hand. Sponge painting works especially well with light paints on dark paper.

Coffee Can Planter

You need a coffee can and 25 to 30 ice cream or crafts sticks. If sticks are too long for the can, tape them together in a stack, and cut with a saw to fit. Use a small paintbrush to apply glue to can, then lay on sticks. Cut sticks to make lattice (the curved top is made up of small sections). Fill with dirt and plant a small sprig of ivy or other climbing plant. For Wolf elective 3.

Pencil Holder

Use clean tin can. Make designs with contact paper, or paint with acrylic paints.

The Friendship Star

This is similar to a snowflake, but more fun because you can color it. You will need a 8x4 square piece of light to medium weight white paper, a pencil, a small pair of sharp scissors, and colored markers or crayons.

Fold the piece of paper so that the unfolded comer is at the top, on the left hand side.

Divide paper into thirds. Fold the first third toward the front and over the center third. Fold the last third toward the back and over the center third.

Trace the pattern and cut it out. Draw around the pattern (solid lines only) on the folded paper. Cut out the friendship star, cutting only on the solid lines. Unfold the star and color it.





Clothing Drive

Often after a fire, flood, or other disaster, many people will be without sufficient clothing. Generally, local authorities coordinate a campaign to get used clothing in fairly good condition for distribution to the victims.

Aim: To show the need for preparation for emergencies.


General aims:

* To show that our society depends on coordinating the concerns of its citizens - and that each citizen has the duty to be concerned.

* To increase knowledge of and appreciation for the complexities of a democratic government.


A natural follow—up to a registration campaign is an effort to get every eligible voter to actually vote. This calls for an educational and promotional campaign aimed at reminding citizen of their rights and duty to vote. Obviously, the campaign must be nonpartisan. Before the election distribute get—out—the—vote materials. On election day, Cub Scouts may be stationed outside polling places to “baby-sit” young children, hold packages, assist elderly or handicapped people, and provide “I have voted” badges to voters, leaving them as a reminder to others.

Aim: To underscore the responsibility of each citizen to vote.


General Aims:

* To demonstrate the community's responsibility to all its members.

* To show that the handicapped, even with their special problems, are more normal than they are different.


Clinics for children with hearing disabilities may be able to use picture charts made by Cub Scouts as reading aids. Pictures are clipped from newspapers and magazines, mounted, and identified by lettering. Check with a local agency or clinic dealing with the deaf to locate them and for advice on how best to help them.

Aim: To make clear the special problems of deaf people.


Have Cub Scouts contribute one soft toy each for children at a school or institution for mentally retarded children. The boys wrap them and deliver them to the school authorities. Toy should be soft and simple.

Aim: To show that mentally retarded people are just mentally younger than normal people.


General Aims:

* To underscore the interdependence of all members of the community.

* To create compassion for the sick or poor.


Children with serious heart ailments often must be confined to bed in cardiac hospitals for a long time. Packs can brighten their stay for forming an “in-bed club” for them. Each month the Cub Scouts gather a collection of puzzles, stories, and games and send them to the hospital. In addition, it is great to remember cardiac children on their birthdays and Christmas (or other holidays) with cards and presents.

In this as well as in all similar projects, medical advice must be closely followed to avoid over—stimulation which may be injurious.

Aim: To show that people need people - and that sick people are like everyone else in this way.


The Cub Scout program is ideally suited to present a show at the hospital. The month after a Cub Scout theme such as magic, music, or circus acts, packs can visit hospitals in the area and stage special shows for the patients. They need not be professional, for many hospital patients are cheerless and lonely, and any act using fresh-faced, fun-loving boys will buoy up low spirits. Clear, of course, with hospital officials.

Aim: To show that everyone, even hospitalized people, like to have fun.


General Aims:

* To foster a desire to share the holiday spirit.

* To give practice in working together for a community event.


Packs may “adopt” one or more children in foster homes for Christmas or Hanukkah and give them gifts. Before selecting gifts, they should discuss the child's needs and desires with the foster parents. Gifts for children in foster homes should be given to the parents to present; these children generally prefer gifts from their foster parents rather than a group of strangers.

Note: These are not adopted children nor are they in institutions.

They are children who have been temporarily welcomed into foster homes and are, therefore, fully aware of their status as outsiders.

Secure their parents' permission first.

Aim: To show that making friends is a central part of life.


General Aims:

* To encourage concern for the needs and desires of people everywhere.

* To show how to help the unfortunate of the world through specific agencies.


The World Friendship Fund of the Boy Scouts of America provides in exciting opportunity for every Cub Scout to help his friends in the free world. Through individual contributions and unit money— earning projects, Scouting literature, uniforms, badges are provided to Scouts in less—fortunate countries. These gifts help make Scouting as exciting, rewarding, and worthwhile for them as it is in our country.

Each year during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and again during anniversary month in February, a special appeal is made for each unit to participate in this important goodwill program.

Your Pack can schedule this event at any time during the year. The need is always present. Special project material is available through International Relations, Boys Scouts of America, Irving, Texas.

Aim: To reinforce the idea of Scouting as a world brotherhood.


UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) does important work in aiding needy children in many nations. This agency specializes in providing food and medical attention for children. Units can collect funds for UNICEF by placing decorated containers in stores. They should be place near cashiers so that shoppers may drop in the change. This is usually done just before the Christmas holidays. Information may be secured by writing UNICEF.

Aim: To show that the world's children can help each other through UNICEF.


General Aims:

* To show that older people despite their differences, are like the rest of us.

* To show the community's responsibility for all of its citizens.


After preparing a show with a theme like Cub Scout Musicians or Cub Scout Magic, packs may take it “on the road” to homes for the aged and to nursing homes. Many of the residents of these homes have few visitors and very little live entertainment and will welcome an all-boy show.

Aim: To show that older people like to see other people and have fun, too.


Residents of nursing homes and other institutions for the aged often lack contact with anyone other than the staff and other old people. Packs can add variety to their daily lives by scheduling frequent visits by groups of Cub Scouts may plan occasional parties to mark birthdays, and boys can perform small errands for the residents.

Aims: To show that all people need to meet other people.

Good Turn Projects

Service projects should be a year-round program to help the boys to help other people. Some of these ideas are perfect for the holiday season, while others can be year round.

1. Adopt a Needy Family

Contact your school or church, Salvation Army, American Red Cross for the names of families in your area that you could help.

Visit a nursing home or senior center. Most nursing homes and senior centers welcome Scouts and their families. Play games, perform skits, sing songs, and help with some of their activities. This should be a year-round program.

2. Adopt a Grandparent

Many senior citizens have no family that live close to them or can visit on a regular basis. Invite an older neighbor to share the holidays with you. This should be a year-round program.

3. Visit sick friends and shut-ins.

4. Make favors and collect magazines for senior citizen homes.

5. Collect used toys and distribute to church child care room.

6. Make toys for needy children.

7. Plan, make, and operate a bird feeding station.

8. Make a box of games, puzzles, and toys for a child in the hospital.

9. Take in the trash cans after they have been emptied on trash day for a neighbor, or for your own family before you are asked to do it.

10. Write a thank you letter to someone who has done something nice for your pack, church, school, or community.

11. Visit any number of local Animal Shelters - donate food and toys for the animals.

InsaneScouter Moment - The Sunday Run

Last Sunday as I was finishing my run through Tree Tops Park with my running buddy, I saw a neighbor standing in her garage doorway about to get her newspaper. Unfortunately the years had not been kind to her. She was walking with a walker and one eye was closed. Over the years I had seen her taking care of her house and she had always appeared quite friendly, but in her present condition she could no longer see me from where I ran along the road. Without thinking, I picked up the Sunday paper and quickly brought it to her. God bless you, she said, as I handed her the paper. I was>astonished by the sincerity of those words as I realized that it would have taken her quite some time to walk to the paper and pick it up in her condition. As I caught up with Steve, my running buddy, I commented that I had fulfilled my scouting good turn for the day and it wasn t even 8 a.m. He jokingly replied, Now you can be a jerk the rest of the day.

At first I laughed but the more I thought about what had transpired, the more I thought about what the meaning of what scout spirit really is. Scout spirit doesn t mean how many little old ladies you help across the street or pick up the Sunday paper for. It does not mean how many meetings or campouts you attend or how many merit badges you obtain. Scout spirit means that we live by the Scout Oath and Law twenty-four hours a day and uphold the pledge we make as scouts to hold ourselves up to a higher standard, or as the Hebrew National people say, We hold ourselves up to a higher authority. So don t just wait for the obvious situation such as the little old lady and the newspaper to exercise your scout spirit, but create your own situations to live the scouting life and practice scout spirit twenty-four hours a day,seven days a>week. By doing so we all answer to a higher authority.

-- Thanks to Marc Grey, SM Troop 317, Davie, Florida

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Please be advised that InsaneScouter is NOT affiliated with any Scouting or Guiding Organization including Boy Scouts of America.

Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders