InsaneScouter - Newsletter - 2003 - July - Newsletter

Newsletter - 2003 - July

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

InsaneScouter News

Volume: 7

Issue: 2

July 2003

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Fun Activities

Tracking Skit

Four boys enter with magnifying glasses as if following a trail.

Boy #1 Look at those tracks!

Boy #2 Wow! They look like Wolf tracks!

Boy #3 No, they look like Bobcat tracks!

Boy #4 I think you are both wrong. I think they are Tiger tracks!

Boy #1 No, I think they are Bear tracks!

Boy #2 No, Wolf tracks!

Boy #3 Bobcat tracks!

Boy #4 I told you, Tiger tracks!

They continue arguing until they are suddenly run over by a train “ several boys linked together making Chug, chug, choo, choo, choo, sounds.

Boy #1 (Raising his head and looking at the audience) I think we were all wrong “ they were train tracks! (He falls back down.)

Hiking “ The Tiger Cub Way

Den Chief Okay, guys. Is everybody ready to go hiking? (Boys start hiking up their socks.)

Den Chief What are you doing? I said HIKING! Are you ready to go HIKING?

Boys Yes, were hiking up our sock, our shorts, you know¦

Den Chief No, no, noHiking. Hiking, dont you know HIKING!

Boys Oh, Yea!

Boy #1 (Takes a football from behind his back; boys line up to being to play) Hike one¦ hike two¦ hike three¦

Den Chief No, no, no! HI-KING, HI-KING. Come on, guys. Get with it!

Boy #2 (Walks by with crown on head.)

Boys Hi, King!

Den Chief No, no, no! Hiking, walking, Scout stuff. You know “ hiking!

Boys Oh, why didnt you say do? (Walk off stage hiking with the den leader.)

Pollution Song
(Tune: My Bonnie)

The litter blows over the highway,
The litter blows over the park.
Unless we do something to stop it,
The world will be latterly dark!


Pick up, pick up, oh pick up the litter you see, You see.
Pick up, pick up, oh pick up the letter you see.

God gave us clean air for our breathing,
But we just dont keep it that way.
Instead we pollute it from smokestacks
And breathe in the garbage each day!

Bring back, bring back, bring back a clean world
To me, to me.
Bring back, bring back, bring back a clean world to me.

Meet A Tree

When: Daytime
Were: Outdoors where there are trees
Group: Tiger Cubs and partners
Number: 2 or more

Supplies: Blindfolds (one for each two kids). Make sure that a child is okay with being blindfolded.

Have the group pair off. Have one the boys blindfold their partner and lead them through the forest to any tree that attracts them. (How far will depend on your partners age and ability to orient himself). For most, the distance of 20 to 30 yards usually isnt too far. Help the blind boy to explore his tree and to fee its uniqueness. You will find that specific suggestions are best. Some examples include: Rub you cheek on the barks the tree still alive?Can you put your arms around it ? Does it have any unusual shapes or features?Can ;you find plants growing on it?

When the blindfolded person is finished exploring the tree, his partner should lead him back to the starting point over an indirect route and remove the blindfold. Now let the boy find his tree without the blindfold. Suddenly as the boy searches for his tree, the forest becomes a collection of very individual trees.

After the Tiger finds his tree, the roles can be reversed and do it again.

Frogs In A Hole

2 lbs. Of ground beef
¼ small onion, minced
1 egg
½ cup bread crumbs
1 large can of pork & beans (get rid of that fat cube)
2 tsp. Prepared mustard
2 tsp. Ketchup
1 capful vineager

Minced onion - to taste
Mix together and shape into large casserole or pot. Cover bottom and sides (like a shell)

Baked been filling “ mix and put in the shell of ground beef. Bake @ 350 for 40 minutes covered.

Have with a green salad.

Family Day In The Woods “ Audience Participation Skit

SPARROW - Chirp, Chirp
SNAKE - S-s-s-s-s-
SQUIRREL - Chatter, chatter
TIGER CUB “ Bobs will be boys
RABBIT “ Hoppity, hoppity
TREE “ Leafy, leafy

A flock of SPARROWS swooped into the woods and settle on the branch of a TREE. Their chirping quickly caught the attention of the animals of the forest, and all the animals gathered around to hear the news. Hurry up, said the RABBIT, his ears wriggling with impatience. The SQUIRREL leaned in to listen, while the SNAKE pretended not to care.

œIts terrible news! said the SPARROW. That den of TIGER CUBS is coming to spend the day again!Oh, no! a terrible sigh came from the TREES. Last time they were here, we lost branches and twigs when they cut on us with their pocketknives. Kites and frisbees tangle our leaves and limbs. And we almost caught fire when they forgot to watch their campfire closely.

The RABBITS ears had positively frozen in place when he heard the words TIGER CUBS. The SQUIRREL almost fell off the branch of the TREE he was sitting on, and the SNAKE forgot that he was pretending not to hear. TIGER CUBS, he hissed. Why do they have to come here? Last time I barely escaped with my life.

They are coming tomorrow, chirped the SPARROWS. Tomorrow! sputtered the SQUIRREL. Ive got to gather acorns before they come and crush them all. The RABBIT hopped off muttering something about how he could reinforce his home. The SNAKE just lay there trying to think of hiding places.

The next day dawned clear and pretty, and the TIGER CUBS and their families arrived as expected. They spent the day playing games, climbing the TREES, and searching for animals and their tracks. At the end of the day, the TIGER CUBS went home disappointed because they had not seen a single animal.

That evening, the SPARROWS returned to see how the day had gone. It was very boring to sit in my hole all day, said the RABBIT. The SQUIRREL said he had spied on the TIGER CUBS, but stayed high in the TREES so they would not see him. They were different from last time,said the TREES. We did get a few bruises from climbing, but they were careful not to deliberately hurt us this time.The SNAKE agree. Maybe someone taught them the Outdoor Code.

Leaf Rub Book

Collection of leaves
Charcoal pen or crayons
Light weight paper
Hole punch

Collect leaves from your yard or neighborhood
With the help of a reference book and your den leader, identify the leaves
Make a rubbing of each leaf on its own piece of paper
Mark the name of each leaf on the paper.
Hole punch the pages and put them in a small loose leaf notebook.
Make a cover page for the notebook and a cover page for inside the book.

Bagheera's Eyes

This is an observation game. Divide the boys into two teams. Give each team a dozen or more common articles-pencil, ball, card, toy truck, Cub Scouting book, jackknife, paper clip, etc. Ask the teams to go to opposite sides of the room and arrange their articles on the floor any way they want as long as the items are six to twelve inches apart. A leader should note the final arrangement of the articles on a sheet of paper.

Each team then goes to the other's teams arrangement and looks at it for exactly 1 minute. Then they gather up all of the articles, return to their original place, and try to arrange the articles the same way the other team had them. The team with the most articles placed in the correct position wins.

Find-See - Hunt Your Neighbor For...

1) Find a hole high up in a tree Who made it?
Is it being used now? Who night use it?

2) Find a smooth rock Where did it come from?
Why is it smooth?

3) Find and feel a prickly plant. Why do some plants have prickles?

4) Look for a nest in a tree or bush. Who made it?

5) Can you hear an animal or a bird? What do you think they were trying to say?

6) See a small bird. What color was it?

7) Small a rotting log. Describe what it smells like.

8) Look for a spiders web. Can you find the spider, too?

9) With your eyes closed, feel a tree with rough bark.
What does it feel like?

10) Make a small hole in the ground with your finger. Smell the earth Does it smell good or not so good? Why?

11) Find evidence of an animal What do you think it was doing when it made this sign?

12) Find three different shaped leaves and three different size leaves.

13) Find 3 pieces of garbage and put it in the trash can. What is garbage?

14) Find the smallest plant you can but dont pick it. Draw a picture of it. What is the name of this plant?

15) Feel a smooth tree trunk with your eyes closed. Is it really smooth?

16) Sit down and for one-minute think like a squirrel.

17) What did you eat today?

18) Where will you sleep tonight?

19) Who are you scared of?

I Love The Mountains

I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills;
I love the flowers, I love the daffodils;
I love the campfire, when all the lights are low;

Boom-de-adds, Boom-de-adda, Boom-de-adda, Boom-de-adda,
Boom-de-adda, Boon-de-adda, Boon-de-adds, Boom-de-adda,

(Repeat entire song)

This may be used as a round or two-part singing with one part singing "Boom-de-addas" while other sings the verse.


Dum dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da, da, dum, da-dum, dum, dum
Dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da, da, dum.

Actions (Make Sure You Practice This¦)

First time through: pat both knees twice, then right hand to left shoulder twice; pat knees twice, then left hand to right shoulder twice.

Second time through: pat both knees once, then right hand to left shoulder once; pat knees once, then left hand to right shoulder once; pat knees, then cross arms, uncross arms and then snap fingers.

Third time through: left hand on right elbow, flutter right hand; right hand on left elbow, flutter left hand.

Fourth time through: brush hands, then right hand on left elbow; left hand on right elbow.

Fifth time through: cross arms, lean alternately forward and back..

Stop And Spot Game

While hiking, the leader stops and says: " I spot a ______," naming a familiar object. Everyone in the group who sees the object will raise his hand or sit down. This sharpens the skill of observation.

Obstacle Course Game

Some boys have never climbed a tree, walked a log, gone through a fence, or chinned themselves on a tree branch. To give them this experience, pick a trail which will provide such an obstacle course. Don't destroy property or trespass.

Penny Hike Game

This is an adventure! Set a time limit. Start walking until you come to the end of the block or a fork in the trail. Stop and flip a coin; heads, left; tails, right. Boys can take turns flipping the coin. Keep a record of the turns (you can reverse the directions to get back to your starting point).

Memory Hike Game

This game is played after a hike or a trip to the zoo or park. During the outing, tell the boys to observe everything very carefully so they can make a list of all that they have seen. Just after the outing, hand out paper and pencils and have the boys make their lists. See who was most observant.

Nature Game

1. Leaf collecting contest - most different ones

2. Matching leaves

3. Hike - use pebbles for counters. Agree on things to be discovered. Each discovery counts a point and counter is thrown away. First one out of counters wins.

Here are some examples:
Each specified bird (1 point)
Each specified snake, insect, flower (1 point)
Each specified tree (2 points)
Each rabbit hole (2 points)
Nest of (?) Bird (2 points)
Tree struck by lightning (2 points)
Cow or horse (1 point)
Each animal track (2 points)


Knocks And Scratches Closing

(Have the boys on stage wearing cardboard feet that have scratches, cuts, band-aids, etc. on them)

NARRATOR: Our hiking meeting has come to an end.

We now have a message to leave with you, dear friend.

Our many achievements in life make feet tired and weary.

But if there were nothing to do, our life would be dreary.

So forget the knocks and scratches, blisters and aches.

Do your best at all times. Thats what success takes!

(As the poem is finished, boys lay down on the stage with their cardboard feet facing the audienceeach of the feet has a letter on it spelling our G-O-O-D-N-I-G-H-T)

Four Winds Opening Ceremony

Personnel: Four Winds (Cub Scouts or leaders dressed in Native American Indian costume or in Cub Scout uniform carrying artificial torches). Cubmaster (dressed as Native American Indian chief)

Equipment: Artificial campfire which can be lit by placing an electrical light bulb, covered with red cellophane, inside the campfire.

Cubmaster: "Let the North Wind enter". (One of the cub scouts enters carrying a torch. He stands by campfire and says his line. Others do likewise as they are called in.)

North Wind: "The North Wind that brings the cold builds endurance".

Cubmaster: "South Wind, enter".

South Wind: "The South Wind brings the warmth of friendship"

Cubmaster: "East Wind, enter".

East Wind: "The East Wind brings the light of day".

Cubmaster: "West Wind, enter".

West Wind: "The West Wind from the direction where the sun sinks, brings night and stars.

Cubmaster:"The Four Winds will light our council fire".

All four boys touch their artificial torches to the fire at the same time. At this same moment the light is turned on from offstage "lighting" the campfire.

American Heritage Opening

Part of our American heritage is learning how to care for our beautiful land so it will be here for future generations to enjoy. In Cub Scouting, we learn to prevent those things that will destroy our land, such as fire. As we salute the emblem of America, let's vow to keep our land beautiful and free from destruction. Please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.

America The Beautiful Opening

"O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain; for purple mountains' majesty above the fruited plain". Yes, our country is indeed beautiful -- from the charm of New England on the eastern coast to the deep blue lakes of Minnesota, the towering mountains, the golden wheat fields, the roaring rivers, to the giant redwoods of California on the western coast. We are proud of our beautiful America and pledge ourselves to keep her beautiful. There is beauty in each of our 50 states, and our American flag represents each of those states. Will you please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance?

Cub Scout Mountain Advancement Ceremony

Props: Stage steps (at least five steps to the top), cardboard or plywood false front of a mountain to fit across front of steps. Place a strip of paper with the appropriate rank on each step, Bobcat the lowest up to Arrow of Light. Copies of the Wolf, Bear and Webelos books.

Instructions: Place steps sideways to the audience so they can see the 'mountain" but not the steps. Each Scout will be allowed to ascend to receive his award, (even arrow points, activity badges, etc.)

Cubmaster: "Has anyone ever been mountain climbing? (Response) Well, the Scouts who have achieved awards will demonstrate how to climb a 'mountain' tonight. Before you can climb a mountain, you need to have the appropriate equipment. You need ropes, packs, first aid supplies, maps, hiking boots, and many other things, AND YOU NEVER GO CLIMBING ALONE!

'In Cub Scouring, in order to advance along the Cub Scout trail, you also need the appropriate equipment. Your book, your uniform, your Den and Pack, and you CANT do it alone. I have here some of the supplies for climbing to the top of the 'Cub Scout Mountain'. (Hold up the books)

'Will ______and his parents please come forward? You will be our first climb today. Do you feel rested for the climb? (Response) I know you are not prepared to go climbing, so here is a Wolf book. It won't get you to the top of Cub Scout Mountain, for that you will need different equipment. But, let's see how far it will help you climb. (Scout climbs a to Wolf step and faces audience.)

'I now present this Wolf award to your parents to present to you. He makes the climb seem easy, but he has worked hard to reach that altitude on Cub Scout Mountain.

(NOTES:................................... You should start with the Bobcats First. Or make rolling hills at ground level for the Tiger Cubs)

(Award Paw or Patch with them).

Proceed with the other awards, each time letting the Scouts go to their 'altitude' before receiving their award. Let them show the audience how far they have climbed rather than announcing it. Arrow of Light recipients will reach the 'peak', and should be allowed to go to the top step, even if there are more than five steps.

You may want to have graduating Scouts climb to the top and jump off onto the stage (i.e. Boy Scouting), or back down the other side, etc.

Mountain Man Closing

At the end of each day, give thanks for the bounties of the Earth.
Thank the Creator for the warmth of the sun on a cold winter day,
The cooling breeze and rain of summer,
For water plentiful in mountain streams
Filled with beaver and trout.
For forests filled with deer, elk, and bear,
For good trading at the Rendezvous,
And for friends to share an evening meal.
As the fire turns to ash, give thanks for the adventure of another day.

Our Land Closing

We are America today! As we look down the road Americans have traveled, we see that many of their dreams have come true. We see the towns they have built, the bridges they have crossed, the mountains they have climbed. We feel the hardships they endured. We see places where they hammered off the rough edges of their dreams so we would have a better life today.

The pioneers worked out a way of life, a life of personal freedom that held hope for tomorrow. They made history yesterday “ but it is up to us to make it today. This is our land. Here, men and women of the past lived and worked and died serving great ideals. These ideals were freedom and justice.

None of us here tonight can fail to carry his part of this great dream to his children and to his childrens children. Our land is rich in material goods, but also in history“ in living legends of the people who left their mark on America. Our own past speaks to us and as we listen we hear the voice of the past saying,Hear me now. Courage, endurance and faith built America, and what was built was good. If you build the same way, the future will also be good.

Lead or have a tape and close with Taps.

Hiking Safety / First Aid


Hike only in well-broken in athletic shoes or hiking boots. When day hiking, wear thick, absorbent socks. If you're hiking and a spot on your foot starts to feel 'hot," stop. Take off your shoe and sock. Put a piece of moleskin on the hot spot. Now you probably won't get a blister. Next time you go hiking, put moleskin on the sensitive place before you start. If you do get a blister, ask someone who knows first aid to treat it for you.

Heat Exhaustion

If hikers get too hot while hiking in warm weather, they may get heat exhaustion. When you feel faint and sick to your stomach and your skin is pale and sweaty, you may have heat exhaustion. Immediately lie down in a shady place, drink water, and rest. After you're feeling well again, you can continue hiking - slowly. And keep drinking lots of water.


People with heat stroke usually have red faces. Their skin is hot and dry. This is because they have gotten so hot their body isn't working right. They've stopped sweating, so evaporation can't cool them. Their body temperature is getting higher and higher. They need to be cooled off very quickly. If there's cool water nearby, put then in it or pour water over them. If there is no water nearby, have them lie down flat in the shade and fan them. Send for help right away!


Whether it's hot or cold, you can get a sunburn. If you're a few thousand feet above sea level, it's even easier to get a burn. Art higher altitudes, there is less of the earth's atmosphere to protect you from the sun's rays. Today, there's no excuse for getting a sunburn. All you need to do is use some sunblocking lotion and wear a hat with a brim on it.

More information available at:

InsaneScouter Moment - Three Things You Need To Survive

A Scout Master was teaching his boy scouts about survival in the desert.

"What are the three most important things you should bring with you in case you get lost in the desert?" he asked. Several hands went up, and many important things were suggested such as food, matches, etc.

Then one little boy in the back eagerly raised his hand. "Yes Timmy, what are the three most important things you would bring with you?" asked the Scout Master.

Timmy replied: "A compass, a canteen of water, and a deck of cards."

"Why's that Timmy?"

"Well," answered Timmy, "the compass is to find the right direction, the water is to prevent dehydration..."

"And what about the deck of cards?" asked the Scout Master impatiently.

"Well, Sir, as soon as you start playing Solitaire, someone is bound to come up behind you and say, "Put that red nine on top of that black ten and you can ask HIM how to get out of here!"

Source Unknown

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders