Newsletter - 2003 - May

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

InsaneScouter News

Volume: 5

Issue: 2

May 2003

Thank you for subscribing to the InsaneScouter's monthly newsletter. It is our intention to provide you with information and resources to help you run your unit's program. Please reply to this newsletter if you have any suggestions on how we can better help you.

Please forward this newsletter to all your friends in Scouting

What's New at

I am proud to announce many of the new features and content now available at InsaneScouter. Below you will find a list of what these updates are and where to find them.

If you would like to help in any way with the InsaneScouter website, please contact us at

Scout Camps USA - A Guide to BSA Camps and more

With summer fast approaching it is time to start considering where you are going camping this summer, luckily there is a great book called "Scout Camps USA" which makes your job easier. The author Paul Fairbank, has put countless hours and even more effort into compiling and writing the best book of it kind I have ever seen. "Scout Camps USA" is very easy to use, it is organized by state and then type of camp with wonderful color maps and great descriptions, contact information and in some cases even pictures of the camp. For more information about this book please check out his web site at

Scout Camps USA will be adding a Scouts Choice - All-Time Favorite Weekend Campsite feature to future additions of the book. Take a few moments to submit a campsite, get a patch and your Scout Unit will be credited with the submission. To submit a campsite go to

Lights, Camera, Action

Everyone wants in on the act! What fun it will be for Cub Scouts to spend the month preparing to act in a play, sing a song, dance, do a magic trick, or perform a puppet show at the pack meeting. Dens might take a field trip to the local TV or cable station to see how the pros do it! A variety show at the pack meeting might also include acts featuring parents and siblings. Dens can create posters announcing their show, make programs, and let everyone know what's coming. Commercials, written and videotaped by dens during their den meetings, could be shown between acts. Popcorn will make a great treat for this pack meeting !!

General Selling Tips for Fundraising

General Selling Tips for Fundraising
by Chip and Ralfie Blasius

(borrowed from the Fundraising for Small Groups Newsletter )

These fundamental, time-tested tips will help you and your group sell your fundraisers more effectively. They are designed to help the first-time salesperson get up to speed as well as serve as refreshers for the lifetime adult professional. Read and think about each point before you go out to sell.

Remember you are selling to a living, feeling person and treat each one as such.

When dealing with people, be honest and treat them with integrity. Your honesty and integrity helps create positive public opinion for you and your group.

People love to buy but hate to be sold to. Avoid hard-sell tactics; help them buy instead. Think of your job as helping your customers feel good about buying from your group.

The best salespeople have fun and enjoy selling. They help customers buy.

Be conscious, alert and focused on each sale as it is occurring. Do not become a robot repeating a memorized sales pitch word for word. Remember your job is to help your customers feel good about helping your group's fundraising effort.

When you get a "no", remember it is only a word. Do not attach any emotions to it. A "no" is just a stepping-stone to a "yes". Just say, "Thank you for your time," and go on to your next sale.

People feel best doing something they want to do, not something they're forced to do. This is true for customers as well as salespeople. Relax. Be friendly, feel good about what you're doing.

Rehearse your sales technique with others. Switch roles back and forth as buyers and sellers. In each role visualize a successful conclusion. When you're out selling, choose to be successful.

Imagine you are the buyer. How do you feel and respond to the items offered and the sales pitch used? Also, ask friends and relatives for their opinions about sale items and sales pitches.

What are your personal goals for this fundraising event? Write out your goals and your sales pitch on a single sheet of paper. If you don't have any goals or a defined sales approach, write one or two of your best ideas. There are no wrong answers.

While you create your own reality, if you focus on things going wrong, they probably will. Instead, focus on all the things that can go right. See your reality as positive, dynamic and upbeat.

If you feel uncomfortable, do a few easy sales first. Start with relatives and friends. With a few of these sales under your belt. your sales pitch will be polished and your confidence up. Now go out and sell to the world.

Ask people who successfully sell similar items in fundraisers for their sale suggestions and tips. Find out what they did right, what they did wrong and how they would do it differently today.

Make A Movie

Make a Video

Produce a video. This is a unique opportunity that should excite the boys. The ideas are to let the boys write the script, choose someone to direct it, shoot it, and let the rest of the boys construct the set and act in it. This may be a project for two dens, depending on how many boys are in a den.

Ideas for the plot will come easily, but the boys will need help in the mechanics of filmmaking. Here is a rough draft of some of the steps involved:

The camera – the type of camera does not matter. Some of the boys may have had some experience using different cameras, so a quick run-through on how the camera works should prevent any problems. Some video cameras can tape stop-action sequences so that clap puppets and other figures could be used.

The script – five seconds is the shortest time that should be allotted to any one scene or title. This allows the audience time to see or read what is going on. For lengthy title frames, credits, etc. plenty of reading time. The script should contain a plot outline to tell the story, and a detailed scene-by-scene outline describing the action in the scene and the time elapsed. Consider a musical video, commercial for some mythical product or a news program about an incident at school, etc.

Practice – practice – practice – have a “table run’ where the boys learn what to do and the director takes them through a first reading.

Example: Title: ‘The Haunted House’
Credits 5 seconds
Director John Jones
Den 1 8 seconds
Ted Smith Writers
Den 1 Cameraman
Scene 1 [Front of an old scary house] 8 seconds
Scene 2 [Boys sneaking up on house to the front door] 15 seconds
Scene 3 etc., etc.


Set Design

Collect or build everything that will be needed in the film. This includes backgrounds, props, costumes, and makeup.


Dress Rehearsals

Use an unloaded camera, to check out film angles, and let the actors get use to their parts. Make any needed script changes.



How will you record the sound? It could be recorded live or dubbed in during editing.



It is best to shoot the film in the proper sequence so editing will not be necessary although editing with a VCR is certainly feasible and provides additional experience.



The boys will want to see the film as soon as it is developed. Then show it to others. Although the boys will enjoy acting in the film, also consider filming puppets.

A source of assistance for this production is a Boy Scout troop in your area. They could help and work on earning a merit badge.


Sound Effects

If you plan to use sound effects in your skit, it is important to have access to a microphone. Check with the facility where you are holding your pack meetings. Most rental stores carry karaoke sound machines. Also, you can pre-record your sounds on an audiocassette and play them back when needed.

Airplane – heavy paper striking blades of electrical fan

Auto brakes – slide a drinking glass across a pane of glass

Crashes – drop two pie pans taped together with metal jar lids inside

Crickets chirping – run a fingernail over a fine-tooth comb

Door slam – slam two hardback books together

Fire – crumple and twist cellophane into a ball and then release it

Gong – hit a pan with a metal spoon

Gurgling stream or boiling liquid – put a straw in a cup of water and blow hard

Hail – pour rice on an upside-down flat cake pan

Horse hooves – alternately tap two inverted cups or bowls on a wood floor or board

Knock at door – hit a half-gallon plastic milk jug on the end with a rubber spatula.

Lightening – grasp a metal cookie sheet on one end, placing your thumb on the underside. Shake the cookie sheet so it vibrates. Bang it against the knee for an occasional loud thunderclap.

Rain – fill a soup can 1/3 full of dry peas or beans. Roll the can slowly on a table.

Rustling in the underbrush – crush broom straw

Swordfight – hold an aluminum cookie sheet in one hand, and hit with a metal spoon

Telephone ring – use a bicycle bell

Skits and Puppet Shows

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Remember when you use the script, the instructions in the parenthesis () are just to tell the puppets what to do, you do not say these words out loud. You will need to build a bridge out of poster board and color it.

Narrator: Once there were three goats that lived on a hillside. They were sad and very, very, very hungry.

All Three Goats: (Pop up together) We are sooooo sad and hungry! (Exit together)

Narrator :They were sad and hungry because they had eaten all the grass on the side of the hill. But on the other side of the hill, across the bridge, there was lots and lots and lots of grass to eat.

All Three Goats: (Pop up together) We should go over there, over to the other side of the hill.

Big Goat :We should but what about that big, ugly troll that lives under the bridge? He has a big, slurpy appetite and he loves (shudders) goat meat!

Middle Goat: Maybe he is gone. Maybe he is visiting his mother.

Little Goat: Yeah! Hes visiting his mother; lets go across the bridge.

Big Goat: (Looks at the Little Goat) Tell you what, you go across the bridge first.

Little Goat: Me? Why me?

Big Goat: Because you are soooo skinny and soooo puny...(Looks Little Goat up and down) Just look at you little brother...Woooweee, you are wasting away. If you dont get to the other side of the hill first, theres no telling what will happen to you. (Turns away) I just dont want to think about it.
Little Goat :Youre right Big Goat. I will go first. And when I get all that tall, green, sweet grass...Ill be thinking only of you two.....As I eat, and eat and eat. Goodbye. (Walks toward the bridge. Middle and Big Goat exit).

Troll: (If you have a can or a castanets, make sounds of the Little Goats hoofs as he moves toward the bridge. When the Little Goat gets to the bridge, the Troll jumps up, mean and angry) WHO GOES ACROSS MY BRIDGE?

Little Goat: (Trembling, scared little voice) It is I, the Littlest Billy Goat Gruff.

Troll: I SHALL EAT YOU! (Starts toward the Little Billy Goat)

Little Goat: No! No! Dont eat me! I am skinny and scrawny and really do not taste good at all. Please, wait for my big sister. She is tasty and juicy. She will be coming in just a minute. Please wait for her.

Troll: (Looks Little Goat over) Youre right! You are hardly an appetizer. I would much rather have a juicy, tasty goat. You may go. (Exits)

Little Goat: Thank you! Thank you! (Runs across the bridge and exits)

Narrator: Soon the Middle Billy Goat decided she should go across the bridge.

Middle Goat: It must be alright. Look over there. My little brother is eating and eating and eating. I better get over there before he eats all the sweet grass. (Starts across the bridge. Use hoof sound effects)


Middle Goat: (Shaking) It is I the Middle Billy Goat.


Middle Goat: Oh dont eat me. I am just the Middle Billy Goat. Wait for my big brother. He is much, much, much bigger than I am. Think about it. Do you want to settle for second best? Of course not. Wait for my big, huge, tender brother. Pleeeeeeease!!!

Troll: Hes bigger than you? (Middle Goat nods) Hummmmm. Then I shall wait for him. Youre right, I deserve the very best. You may go. (Both exits)

Big Goat: (Enters, looks across the bridge) Well, look at that! Both my brother and sister are having a great time eating grass over there. The silly Troll must be visiting his mother after all. I think I will trot along and join them.


Big Goat: (In a loud voice) It is I, the Big Billy Goat.


Big Goat: Oh, I dont think so! (Lowers his head) One! Two! Three! (He charges and hits the Troll in the stomach and knocks the wind out of the Troll)

Troll: (With a anguished gasp) Opppppph!

Big Goat: (The Big Billy Goat hits him again and sends him flying off the stage) No one gets my goat! Now It is time for me to join my family and have some supper. (The Three Billy Goats unite and bow. The Troll roars on the stage. All the Goats scatter and the Troll bows)


Give an inflated balloon with a slip of paper in it to one of the Cubs. Instruct the cub that the piece of paper has an action written on it. When he pops the balloon he must act out the action. The group tries to guess what the action is. The person who guesses correctly can do the next one, either immediately or later in the evening.

Show Box Band

Actors: 8 Tiger Cubs preparing their den to play at a pack meeting
Props: Homemade instruments/

1st Cub: I’m sure glad we got here early. We really need to get in shape for this song.

2nd Cub: I can’t understand why our Den Leader wanted us to do this song.

3rd Cub: Maybe it’s because we play so well.

4th Cub: I hope my Mother and Dad won’t mind.

5th Cub: It seems to me that the audience would get tired of hearing it.

6th Cub: Well, it is patriotic.

7th Cub: It’s almost time…here, everyone get in line…

8th Cub: Well, here goes. It sure will be long…

(Pause as Den Leader enters and Tigers take their places around the microphone.)

Den Leader: Den ___ will now play… “Stars and Stripes FOREVER”!)


Eskimo Pie

Scene: Group of Cub Scouts around a table.
Props: Ping-pong ball, sponge, white golf tees, pan with ice cream bars in the bottom.

Cub 1: Isnt it great our leader is letting us make a pie for our den meeting treat?
Cub 2: Sure is. I dont know what kind of pie it is, but here are the directions.
Cub 3: Lets see, first you put in these walrus eyes.
Cub 4: Walrus eyes? Are you sure?
Cub 3: Says so right here. (Puts ping pong balls in pan.)
Cub 5: OK, next put in a pound of blubber.
Cub 4: A pound of blubber? Are you sure?
Cub 5: Thats what it says in the recipe. (Puts in white sponges.)
Cub 6: The next thing to add is two dozen polar bear teeth.
Cub 4: I dont believe that. Why would you put teeth in a pie?
Cub 3: Hey, you have to have teeth to eat a pie!
Cub 4: Oh yeah, go ahead.
Cub 6: Here go the teeth. (Puts in golf tees.)
Cub 1: Now we let it freeze for one hour. (Put lid on pan.)
Cub 2: (Hold up sign that says "one hour later".)
Cub 1: Lets see what weve got. (Uncovers pot.)
All: (Look into pan and exclaim.) Eskimo pies!!!! (Pull out ice cream bars, open and eat


Sock Puppet with Hands

Tube socks, no shaped heel
Paper toweling
Rubber bands
Strip of ball fringe
Scraps of felt, ribbon, fabric
Felt tip markers, rubber cement

Use the tube sock to make the puppet’s head and body. Before beginning, cut away the striped design at the top of the sock.

Stuff paper toweling, tissue or cotton into the toe to form the puppet’s head.

Double a rubber band tightly around the neck.

Glue or sew small, dark buttons for eyes. For a nose, glue on a yarn ball cut from strip of ball fringe. Draw mouth with felt marker.

Make a yarn wig, any color, and glue it to the puppet’s head.

Slip the sock over your hand. Work first finger through the rubber band and up into the puppet’s head. L Then cut small slits in sides for the thumb and middle finger; these will be the puppet’s hands.

The Weather Man Skit

This is performed on a stage. Hang a large map, or a sheet with some outlines drawn on it, across the back of the stage. Since the skit involves water, it is a good idea to use a waterproof ground cloth to protect the stage.

Plan the skit, assemble the materials, and assign responsibilities ahead of time. Everybody except the Scapegoat knows what will happen. Let the Scouts decide what kind of weather to use, and what props are needed to represent it.

The Skit

The Weather Man stands in front of the map, and presents a parody of the television evening news report. He reads from a script in his hand. As he announces each kind of weather, it appears, aimed straight at him from off-stage.

He announces that the South will have wind. The backdrop shakes and a large fan blows the papers in his hand.

The Weather Man reports that there will be snow in the North. White confetti drops from the sky, or over the map. He reports hail in the Midwest, and small white objects pelt him. (Plastic packing makes good hail.)

Each time the weather reacts to his report, the Weather Man acts more scared. Finally, he turns the page, stops, and protests that he cant do this any more. He needs a brave person to read the last forecast for him, and asks for a volunteer from the audience. With the help of the audience, the volunteer is selected and pushed forward.

The Scapegoat is handed the script, and reads, "And tomorrow this area will have heavy rains." Instantly, he is hit by a bucket of water from offstage.


The Weather Man and the Scapegoat will clearly expect something. In fact, the Weather Man will usually have a hard time hiding his anticipation. Without warning him about the actual outcome, get him wet instead of the Scapegoat.


Games, Songs, and Activities

Gathering Game

This game is best for pack meeting. Give each adult a card with the title of an old time song and ask him or her to find the three others with that title and see if they know the song--or at least the first verse. (Have four cards for each title. Use songs like "Pop Goes the Weasel", "Down By the Old Millstream ; "Daisy, Daisy" etc.) Then, during the meeting you could have the new quartet perform their song.

Commercial Mix Up
(tune: Farmer in the Dell)

Last night I watched TV
I saw my favorite show,
I heard this strange commercial,
I cant believe its so.

Feed your dog Chiffon,
Comet cures a cold,
Use S.O.S. pads on your face,
To keep from looking old.

Mop your floor with Crest,
Use Crisco on your tile,
Clean your teeth with Borateem,
It leaves a shining smile.

For headaches take some Certs,
Use Tide to clean your face,
And do shampoo with Elmers glue
It holds your hair in place.

Perhaps I am confused,
I might not have it right,
To make sure that I understand,
Ill watch TV tonight.

Movie Scroll

Supplies: a cardboard box, two paper towel tubes, a roll of newsprint cut the height of the paper towel tubes.

Boys draw a movie, frame by frame. Tape the ends of the paper to the tubes. Insert tubes into the cardboard box so it looks like a TV. "Show" the movie by rolling paper from one tube to the other.

Home Videos

Supplies: video camera, costumes if desired.

Have the den write a "Movie". Set the stage, don costumes, and then "lights, camera, action". Have an adult film the movie. Each boy can write their own movie and be the director, if desired.

Shipwrecked Cub Scouts
(Tune: Gilligan’s Island Theme)

Our pack set sail on the sea one day,
In search of coins of gold,
A group of hearty Cub Scouts,
And leaders true and bold.

The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
If not for the courage of our Cubmaster,
The whole pack would be lost.

Our boat touched ground on a rocky isle
And up walked a tall old man,
He tossed a towel to dry us off,
And raised high his right hand.

He said, “You’re a sharp pack of Cub Scouts,
Your courage brave and sure,
To sail out on a sea like this
On a scouting adventure.”

He gave directions to get home,
We set sail with good cheer.
We reached our home with the setting sun,
And tied up at the pier.

We looked in the bottom of the boat
And saw the old man’s towel,
His name was stitched along the hem,
The name was Baden-Powell.

Scout Wetspers
(Tune: Tannenbaum)

Softly falls the rain today
As our campfire floats away
Silently each Scout should ask,
Did I bring my SCUBA mask?
Have I tied my tent flaps down?
Learned to swim
So I wont drown?
Have I done and will I try
Everything to keep me dry?


Tales That Shouldn't Be Told
(Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic)

I went fishing at the lake one day
With worms and pole and pail,
To catch a fish for supper,
But instead, I caught a whale.
I crawled upon his slippery back,
And took myself a ride,
But he swam too fast and I slipped off
And landed right inside.

Glory, glory, hallelujah,
Thats a tall tale I told to ya.
Shakes and shivers running through ya,
(Spoken) Heres another one,
Worse than the other one.

An astronaut invited me
To take a ride in space,
We blasted off one morning,
For a most unusual place
We landed on a planet
After many weeks of flight,
We saw three headed elephants,
A most unusual sight.

Glory, glory, hallelujah,
Thats a tall tale I told ya,
Do you believe that it is true, ya?
(Spoken) Well, its not.

I dug a hole to plant a tree
One warm and sunny day,
I dug so deep I couldnt get out
To run and jump and play.
I thought to keep on digging
Was the best thing I could do;
So I made a hole clear through the world,
And then I fell right through.

Glory, glory, hallelujah,
Thats the last tall tale Ill tell to you.
Arent you glad that I am through, ya?
(Spoken) Thank goodness:


Short Run-on, Cheers, Applauses

Den and pack yells help build den spirit and enthusiasm and can be used to help the boys let off steam at den and pack meetings.

Den and pack yells are usually simple and rhythmic and often end on a word or phrase, which the boys can shout.
Many high school and college cheers can be adapted for den yells. When the boys help develop the den yell, they feel it is really theirs and will enjoy using it.

Typewriter Howl: Click, Click, Click.

Weve got the spirit
Weve got the drive
Weve got it all
Cause were Den number _____!

Show us some action!

Show us some spark!
All for Den ____
Stand up and bark.

Deep-sea diver cheer: Hold one hand over your head, puff out cheeks and say "blub, blub, blub"

Home run Cheer: Simulate swinging a bat at a ball, shade your eyes with your hand and yell (loud) "There She goes!"

Sleepy head Applause: Nod your heads, as if asleep, and start cutting the zzz’s.

Wood plane Applause: Hold imaginary wood plane in hands and plane the wood to the sound of zzzziiiiiippp!”

Hammer Applause: Hold nail in one hand and hammer with other hand, saying “Bang, bang, bang, ouch!” (And shake hand that got hit).

Jackhammer Applause: Hold jackhammer with both hands and begin using it. “Bap-bap-bap-bap-bap!”

Bawl Game: Tell the Cubs whoever makes the most noise for a given length of time, wins


Inventions Opening Ceremony

You could display several inventions on the table or have different scouts dress up as the different inventors holding their inventions, if possible, while the Cubmaster speaks.

Cubmaster: Inventions enable us to lead easier, more enjoyable lives.

Thomas Edison was probably the greatest inventor in history. Because of his great contributions to society we can enjoy having electric lights, only one of his many inventions.

George Eastman made it possible for millions of people to take pictures. He designed the film roll and the roll holder for winding them. He produced the "Kodak" camera in 1888.

Charles Jenkins invented the first successful motion picture projector.

Philo Farnsworth, at age 16, invented the image dissector, one of the pioneering inventions that led to television.

There were many more great inventors, Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Goodyear, Eli Whitney, etc. These people have helped change the way people live.

Cub Scouts, too, can change the way people live by being true to the law of the pack and by keeping the Cub Scout Promise. Let us as Cub Scouts use our knowledge, skills, and talents to further help those around us just as those inventors of long ago and of today.


Talking Flag Opening Ceremony

Arrangement: The pack flag is posted on stage. An adult stands off stage to be the "talking flag." House lights are lowered; spotlight on flag as Cub Scout in uniform comes on stage. Boys offstage handle sound effects, using microphone.

Flag: Hello.

Cub: Did I hear a sound?

Flag: I said, "Hello:"

Cub: Theres nobody around here. Who said that?

Flag: I did.

Cub: (Looking at flag) Cmon. Flags cant talk:

Flag: I can.

Cub: Gee, Thats real neat:

Flag: I know. I can make sounds too.

Cub: Really?

Flag: Sure, just listen. (Animal roar sound. Use a closed box with a hole punched in it. Tie string to center of pencil. Put pencil inside box and pull string out through hole. Drag fingernails along string.) What does that remind you of?

Cub: That sounds like a lion roaring. That reminds me of our Pack Circus. I was a lion. I had a great costume. It sure was a lot of font

Flag: Listen to this one. (Train whistle sound. Put sheet of paper over top of 81 pie pan. Place partly open mouth against paper and utter a shriek without moving lips.)

Cub: That sounds like a train. Our pack took a train trip once: Sane of us had never ridden on a train. We had a lot of fun.

Flag: How about this one? (Fire sound. Crumple cellophane into a ball. When released, it will crackle like flame.)

Cub: That sounds like a fire. Ive never been close to a fire, but our den visited the fire station a couple of months ago. And I learned what to do in case of fire when I Was working on my Bear achievements.

Flag: Do you know what this is? (Crickets chirping. Run a finger over a small piece of fine-tooth comb.)

Cub: Sure; Thats crickets chirping. We had a pack picnic out in the country last summer and we sure heard a lot of crickets. That reminds me of all the good food we had to eat at that picnic.

Flag: Sounds to me like youre having a good time in Cub Scouting. Everything I do reminds you of one of your Cut Scout activities. That makes me very proud, cause Im your pack flag, and it is important to me that all Cub Scouts have fun while theyre learning.

Cub: Well, Ive learned a lot ... but most of all Ive had fun. I really like Cub Scouting.

Flag: Its boys like you that make Cub Scouting fun for the whole family. Ive enjoyed talking to you. I must go not and practice on my sounds. Ill talk to you later. (Spotlight off.)

Cub: (Looking puzzled at audience.) Wow! Was that a dream? Did the flag really talk? Did it make those sounds? Maybe I was just daydreaming about all the fun Ive had in Cub Scouting. (Walks offstage.)


Television Newscaster Advancement Ceremony

This ceremony can be done three ways. From the simple to the sublime. Each version builds upon the previous. Use whichever suits your needs.

1) Construct a large TV from cardboard with the screen cut out large enough to show a news set which the Cubmaster sits at the anchor table. The "newscast" goes along as a normal broadcast with breaks where a guest is brought in to sit by the anchorman and interviewed. These guests are the cub scouts and they are interviewed about the awards they are to receive.

2) This version uses -the same news room set but it is set up behind the curtain or in another room and a video camera is set up with -the cable going to a TV set up in the main room. The pack gets to see the show on the TV screen.

3) Version 3 take the whole production "On The Road". During the month before Pack Meeting plan your script around the awards the cubs will receive. Film the newscast ahead of time, edit it together and show it for your activity and award ceremony at Pack Meeting. This way the boys get to see themselves on TV. This also lets you stage your interviews more exciting. Go out in -the field. If your Webelos earned their Aquanaut activity badge, interview them in the pool. If they have made craft items show them with the item in use in the home, dads office, or wherever.

If you have a Bear lank put the spot in the sports section and introduce the opening of the bear hunt and interview a successful hunter who has just "bagged" his bear. Have the weather person, sports person, and in the field reporters he all of your Pack leaders.

The boys love seeing themselves on TV so you want to include all of the boys. This is a good way to encourage each boy to work to receive an award. so they can be in the show. However, some may .just not make it. Dont leave them out. Perhaps you could have them interviewed by your "political specialist". They could tell what they would do it elected to the office of Bobcat, Wolf, Bear or Webelos.

Well, thats it. Theres no more news until next time when there will be more. Good Night and Good News

Lights, Camera, Cartoons Advancement Ceremony

Props: White board and markers or chalk and chalk board.

The following words written individually on small sheets of paper: Lion King, woodpecker, Golden Eagle, skunk, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, bunny, and the award animal (Bobcat, Wolf, or Bear). A timer.


"Our theme tonight is ‘Lights, Camera, Action’ is like creating Animated Cartoons. Animation means to create a series of drawings and assembling them together to give the appearance of being life like. Cartoons that you watch on Saturday mornings are examples of animation. We are going to play a fun game where we get a chance to create. I have names of some animals on these pieces of paper. I will select someone to come to the board and he/ she will have one minute to draw a picture of the animal."

As the person is drawing, people in the audience try to guess what animal is being drawn. When the correct name of the animal is shouted, the person that guessed correctly gets to draw the next picture. Play the game for several minutes before you give the "award animal" to draw. Tell the audience that this is the final round and stop the game once the correct animal name is given.

"Creating things is fun to do; it helps us think and use our imagination. I would like to talk about the last animal. The (Bobcat, Wolf, Bear) is a rank that Cub Scouts can earn. Tonight, I would like to honor a Cub Scout in our pack that earned the (Bobcat, Wolf, Bear) badge."

"Would please come forward and bring his parents with him has used his talents and imagination as he completed the (Bobcat, Wolf Bear) requirements. He has worked hard to earn this award. I would like to have his parents present his award."

(After the award is presented continue by saying. . . )

"Cub Scouting gives boys opportunities to try new things and provides chances to develop talents. Who knows, maybe will become and artist where he can create animation!


Akelas Life Story - Audience Participation Skit

EQUIPMENT: Ceremony board or log with three small candles and one large candle; tom-tom; artificial camp fire.

SETTING: Akela enters and walks behind the fire. Akela gives the Cub Scout sign and tom-tom beating stops.

NARRATOR: Akela was the big chief of the Webelos tribe; tall, stalwart, straight as an arrow, swift as an antelope, brave as a lion - he was fierce to an enemy but kind to a brother. Many trophies hung in his teepee. His father was the son of the great yellow sun in the sky. He was called the "Arrow Of Light" His mother, from whom he learned those wondrous things that mothers know was called "Kind Eyes". He began to understand the signs and calls of the Webelos tribe. Then he was taken on little trips to the forest among the great trees and streams. Here, from the Wolf he learned the language of the ground; the tracks and the ways to food. (At this point, Akela lights the small Wolf candle using the large candle)

AKELA: With this candle, representing the "Spirit of Akela" we light the trail of the Wolf. From the signs along the Wolf trail, I see the following braves are ready for advancement in the Wolf Clan of Akelas tribe. (Akela calls the names of the boys receiving Wolf badges and arrow points. They come forward and stared before the campfire. Akela presents awards.)

NARRATOR: Then from the big, kindly bears, he learned the secret names of the trees, the calls of the birds, the language of the air.

AKELA: (lighting the Bear candle) With the "Spirit of Akela" we light the Bear trail. From the signs along the Bear trail I see the following braves are ready for advancement into the Bear Clan of Akelas tribe. ( He calls forward the boys who are receiving Bear badges and arrow points)

NARRATOR: But before he could become a Scouting "brave" on his own, he had to prove himself by trying out new skills, performing certain tasks and passing tests of accomplishment.

AKELA: (Lighting tire Webelos candle) With the "Spirit of Akela" we light the trail of the Webelos. From the signs along the Webelos trail, I see that the following braves have shown their skills in... (He calls the names of the boys receiving activity badges and indicates which badges they earned.)

NARRATOR: There Akela was required to pass the highest test of all. He must prove himself qualified to wear his fathers name "Arrow of Light".

AKELA: From the signs further on down the Webelos trail, I see that the following braves have proven themselves worthy to wear the "Arrow of Light", the highest award in Akelas tribe. (He calls forward the boys who have earned the Arrow of Light Award.) (Drum stops) From the four winds, Akela hears that you braves are doing well along the trails that will lead you into Boy Scouting and the highest trail of all, that of Eagle. Now will all Cub Scouts stand and repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise.

TV Commercial Closing

Youve heard the TV commercial which says: "Youre not growing older youre getting better". Thats the way it is with Scouting. Its getting better all the time. Scouting is Improved and updated to keep pace with an ever changing world and to make It relevant to todays boys. So even though some of you may think that _______* years old sounds pretty old, just remember: Scouting isnt getting older--- Its getting better.


Six Kinds Of Peace Closing

It has been said that there are six kinds of peace and that a person who is given all of these will never want for anything else - neither for health nor wealth, for love, for happiness, for beauty. The six kinds of peace are: the peace that comes from goodwill among nations; the peace that comes when neighbors help each other; the peace that a man draws from nature; the peace that exists within his family; the peace between himself and God; and finally, the peace that he finds within himself. To all you many friends may such peace be yours throughout the coming year, with an added measure of joy to make this holiday season the brightest and happiest ever!

Useful Outdoor tips

Repairing a hip-belt on the trail

My hip belt on an external frame pack broke at its attachment to the frame while I was in a particularly rugged section of the Mount Charleston peak trail. My first try using duct tape failed miserably. Then I remembered that I always carry about 5 feet of picture-
hanging wire (which I had never had to use, but kept in the pack repair kit) and with the pliers I carry, I made a quick fix which made the pack as strong as ever.
Hollow tipped tent poles clogged?

Ever find the hollow tip of the tent pole clogged with dirt, preventing insertion of the tent pin? You do carry a Swiss Army knife, right? That corkscrew you were certain youd never have a need for works perfectly for cleaning out the opening.

Boot laces loosening or un-tying?

At the first open clasp hook you reach, instead of going around the clasp from underneath, come from the top and go around and then up, encircling the clasp. This slight change of direction anchors the tension on the lower part of the lace.

Instead of one single overhand knot before tying the bow, put 2 or 3 over hand knots. This serves as yet another anchor to keep the lace from slipping and loosening.

Finally, double or triple knotting of the bow prevents the knot from undoing, but is still easy to untie due to the larger diameter of the lace.

If you stop on the trail to retie a loose knot on one boot, you might as well retie the other also. The tightness of the newly-retied boot will give the illusion that the other is looser and you may find yourself stopping again to make the tension on both equal.


Its always a good idea to hang your food bag. Only twice has doing so kept my food from a bears stomach, but every night it keeps my food from the raccoons and other night varmints. One young man I ran into at Los Padres National Forest had decided not to use the provided bear pole. Instead, he hung his food bag from a nearby tree which was closer to his tent. Unfortunately, he did not allow the food bag to dangle from the limb, but rather the bag nuzzled up against the limb. Of course, the acrobatic raccoon had an easy time reaching and raiding the food bag, creating a mess and cutting the backpackers food supply perilously low. This novice hiker had also failed to pack a flashlight, so he heard this raid just 10 feet above his head, but was unable to watch or forestall it in the 2 A.M. darkness.

Camera batteries

You no doubt carry spare batteries for your mini-mag flashlight, but do you carry a spare battery for your camera? Would you like to be 3 days into the most magnificent scenery in the world and be unable to capture your experiences on film? Would you feel badly that you were lugging that damn camera and couldnt use it?


Bandanas can be purchased at K-Mart, Walmart, etc., for under 2 bucks each, yet can be valuable accessories on the trail. They are lightweight and colorful. I always carry 8 or so with me, some in Zip-locks to keep them dry and clean for use later in the trip. I wear one around my forehead to catch perspiration (since I have no hair to do this.) Another is used as a handkerchief, another cleans my glasses, another is used for handling hot cookware, another for first aid use, another to strain water before treating with Iodine tablets. Many more uses become obvious as you hike.

Lightweight tarp

I carry a very lightweight heavy gauge nylon tarp. I wrap it around my Therma-Rest mattress which is attached to the outside of the pack. The tarp protects the mattress from being punctured by low branches, etc. At rest breaks or lunch break, if it is wet, the tarp and mattress provide a dry and comfortable resting place. If one of those daily Rocky Mountain storms hits, we sit under the tarp with the ends wrapped around us. It keeps us dry and warm and protects us from the occasional hail we encounter. It can also serve as a replacement tent, God forbid it be destroyed or damaged. If the tent floor suddenly springs a leak or gets wet, the tarp can again come to the rescue. It is a good, multi-purpose piece of equipment which is inexpensive and lightweight.

I brought a Moss ParaWing. It is compact, lightweight, sets up fast, is stable due to its parabolic sides, and prevents you from feeling confined and claustrophobic like in a tent. It also is a nice shady spot for a lunch, picnic, day at the beach, etc.
Hiking staffs

Hiking staffs are becoming more popular every year, and perhaps some day Ill become a convert. For now, though, I find it easier to locate a branch when I need the use of a staff to cross a creek or whatever. One is usually readily available, discarded by previous hikers, and I likewise leave it available on the other side of the creek for the next traveler who needs it.

I use the ribs from downed, dead Sajuaro cactus plants as hiking staffs. A bit of sanding, staining, and a hole for a leather strap finishes it nicely. I thank him for sending me one after we met on a Volunteer Vacation (American Hiking Society) in Montanas Gallatin National Forest in 1998.

Tent pole splints

Did your tent come with a hollow tube? Its for splinting poles which are damaged during a trip. Resist the temptation to leave it home. It doesnt weigh much and is worth its weight in gold when needed. I carried it for years and finally actually needed it at Philmont Scout Ranch, halfway through a 50 mile backpacker. (And yes, REI replaces broken poles free - even gave me a new tent stuff sack which had ripped after 6 years of use -- they really stand behind their products!)

Internal pack disorganized?

Do you sometimes have a love/hate relationship with your internal frame pack? You love its fit and how it hugs your body and distributes the weight to your hips and legs, but despise the disorganization inherent with one large compartment into which everything seemingly disappears forever? Use color-coded stuff sacks and develop the habit of always packing the backpack the same way. I use a red bag for cook set, blue bag for clothes, green bag for food, and gray bag for emergency and repair items. I also pack needed items together. For example, handiwipes go in with the moleskin and more handiwipes go in the food bag, the cord for hanging the food bag goes right in the food bag, matches go in the cook set bag, etc.


A square of vinyl (about 18" square) covered with cloth backed table cloth material with a sandwich of newspaper. It is a good insulator and convenient to sit or kneel on, so hence its name. To reduce weight use 2 layers of metalized bubble pack (available in hardware stores) in place of the newspaper. It provides insulation, comfort, and reflects body heat back to you.

Key chains

Those cute key chains you get from businesses, etc., but you have no need for -- can be used as zipper pulls on backpacks, sleeping bags, and jackets when the originals break off, or just so you have a larger pull to hold on to. The key chains with small compasses attached can be useful when attached to the backpack pack strap at chest level and easily referred to while hiking the trail without having to get your "real" compass out of the pack.

That old mouse pad

We suggests you use an old neoprene rubber mouse pad for sitting on the ground, rocks, or logs. It is dry and comfortable and you are recycling!

InsaneScouter Moment - Magic Rope

Magic Rope
by David H. McKenzie

I picked some scraps of rope apart
To see how they were made.
Most of it was twisted hemp
Yet some were cotton braid.

And from the stuff, I played with
I thought aloud: "Rope size runs
To hawsers that hold battleships
of fifty thousand tons."

But there's another kind of rope
Not made by a machine
Stronger than the best steel cable.
Yet so fine it cant be seen.

Im not talking of the kind of rope
That anybody buys
But the magic line of friendship
That holds two friendly guys.

I learned a lot of things at camp
But the best trick that I got
Was to take that line of friendship
And tie the proper knot.

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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders