Newsletter - 2001 - November

Historic: We consider this item to be historic and as such it may no longer be appropriate for todays Scouts. Please refer to your local scouting policies and use your best judgment.

Volume: 1 Issue: 1 0ctober-November 2001

Welcome to the first official InsaneScouter newsletter. Thank you for subscribing to the InsaneScouter's bi-monthly newsletter.

The History of InsaneScouter

The InsaneScouter web site was founded in Mid 1998 to supply Scouts and Scouters with a library containing a vast supply of Scouting information such as Webelos, graphics, and related program ideas. Its founder, Eagle Scout Scott Robertson, began building this experimental site to test his skill as a web development specialist. In early 2000 the site had increased enormously, making it necessary to locate additional assistants to maintain the site. A period of a few months past, before locating several partners who were more than willing to assist me with the growing needs of maintaining the InsaneScouter website. On September 27, 2001, a newly designed web site, we had been working on for over six months, went live. However, we soon discovered that our new build home-based server had some problems, probably caused by bugs with our server hardware. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused.

Welcome to InsaneScouter!

September 11, 2001, and Scouting

All of us at InsaneScouter offer their heart to all the victims and their families of September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on America. To learn more about what Scouts around the world are doing in response to the unfortunate events of that dreadful day, please check out the Greater New York Council web site at: If you would like to make a donation to one of the many charities assisting those directly affected by the Attacks on America, please visit the following sites: the Red Cross at, the New Your Fire Fighters at or The New York State Fraternal Order of Police foundation at

.Fun Activity - "Three Deep Game"

Players form a circle, two deep, facing center. Two players on the outside of the circle, and at some distance from each other, begin the game as runner and chaser. The runner may save himself from being tagged by stepping in front of one of the pairs of players, thus making the circle, at that point, three deep, Immediately, the outside player must leave or be tagged. If a player is tagged, he becomes the chaser. A runner may run in any direction, to right or left or across the circle or around the outside. When a player finds himself the third or last player in a line, he must run or be tagged. He tries not to be tagged and, for safety, may stop in front of any line of two. Set a time limit of fifteen minutes.

Web Site - "InsaneScouter Future Features"

A large portion of the InsaneScouter web site is still in the development stage. Sometime early next year we will be activating our new web hosting plan for all Scout groups to utilize. Some of the new features this program will include a web-based calendar, photo album, statistical counter, bulletin board, and a cool file manager. The file manager will enable users to up/download and edit their own pages. However, this new service will be offered for a small fee. The exact package details and fees will be coming soon.

Client Submitted Articles

In the future, we hope to be able to publish reader-submitted articles in this space. We are looking for articles that relate to Scouting such as Scouts in Action, Scout Craft ideas, games, and other Scout stories. Please submit all articles to Scott Robertson via email at

InsaneScouter Moment

"The Origin of the Left-Hand Shake"The Left-hand shake goes way back to the origins of Scouting and was inspired like many original Scouting concepts by B.-P.'s Army career. When Captain Baden-Powell entered the capital city of the Ashanti people in 1896 he was met by one of the chiefs who came to him holding out his left hand. B.P. held out his right hand in return but the Chief said: "No, in my country the bravest of the brave shake with the left hand".This was because African Warriors typically carried a spear in the right hand and a shield in the left. To shake left-handed meant you had to put down your shield and put your life in the hands of the other person. So began the Left-hand shake of the World Wide Brotherhood of Scouting

. -- Thanks to Jim McGregor, 1st Camden South Scout Group, Camden NSW Australia --END--

Please feel free to forward our newsletter to anyone it may benefit.


Materials found on InsaneScouter'.org is © 1998 - 2026, but may be reproduced and used for anything consistent with the Scouting and Guiding programs. Unless otherwise noted on the page. If you believe we are republishing your copyrighted material without permission, please Contact Us including the url to have it removed or your copyright information added. All opinions expressed on these pages are those of the original authors. All holdings are subject to this Disclaimer.

Please be advised that InsaneScouter is NOT affiliated with any Scouting or Guiding Organization including Boy Scouts of America.

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