I had a chance to send my son to Boy Scout camp recently. We are in Seneca waterways council - Genesee Crossroads district - Troop 37. My son, Sammy, is turning 14 this month and is challenged by struggling with an autism spectrum disorder. The instructor with him at camp is called Trapper, and he works at Camp Babcock Hovey.
It takes eleven merit badges to become an Eagle Scout. Many Scouters select one of the more challenging badges, like Rifle shooting—a badge that has been part of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) since the first Boy Scout Handbook in 1910. The BSA offers merit badges taught by well-trained instructors at BSA summer camps all over the Country. Scouts can earn Rifle and Shotgun merit badges. Camps provide a safe space to train scouts under safe scouting rules. For each of the merit badges, a mixture of NRA and BSA materials are used for training. Each scout must learn to safely handle and store a firearm and the proper care of guns. After all this classroom training is completed, the scout is taught to fire the rifle or shotgun on a range at a permanent target. This target practice can lead to competitive scouting events.
I made this photo chart to help my son with his rifle merit badge at camp last week.
The merit badge has the following requirements:
Do the following: a. Explain why BB and pellet air guns must always be treated with the same respect as firearms. b. Describe how you would react if a friend visiting your home asked to see your or your family’s firearm(s). c. Explain the need for and use and types of eye and hearing protection. d. Explain the main points of the laws for owning and using guns in your community and state. e. Explain how hunting is related to the wise use of renewable wildlife resources. f. Successfully complete a state hunter education course, or obtain a copy of the hunting laws for your state, then do the following. (1) Explain the main points of hunting laws in your state and give any special laws on the use of guns and ammunition, and (2) List the kinds of wildlife that can be legally hunted in your state. g. Explain to your counselor the proper hygienic guidelines used in shooting. h. Identify and explain three shotgun sports. Identify places in your community where you could shoot these sports and explain how you can join or be a part of shooting sports activities. i. Give your counselor a list of sources that you could contact for information on firearms and their use.
Story by Melissa Burke