Making New Year's Reservations
As you may have noticed, Christmas is just around the corner. But another looming holiday—New Year’s Day—may have more impact on your troop operations.
Although a lucky handful of troops have their own meeting places, the vast majority use space provided by their chartered organizations. This could be dedicated space, such as a Scout room in a church basement, or space that the troop must share with other groups.
If you share space, now’s a good time to make sure that you’ve reserved the rooms you need for 2015. Standing reservations often end with the calendar year, meaning that the room you’ve been counting on using every Tuesday night could be grabbed by another group.
While you’ll typically make a standing reservation, be sure to consider exceptions. You’ll undoubtedly cancel your troop meeting during summer camp, for example, and you may need to reserve a different room for courts of honor or other special events. It would be awfully embarrassing to show up your spring court of honor only to find the Women’s Knitting Society using “your” room.
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