If You Build It, Will They Come?
Think about the last major purchase you made. How many times through how many media did you hear about that product before handing over your credit card or signing on the dotted line? My guess is it took way more than one fleeting advertisement to move you to action.
Now think about your Scout troop. How many times and in how many ways do you invite boys to join? Is your troop's "pin" up to date at BeAScout.org? Do you have flyers in the literature racks at your chartered organization and neighborhood schools? Have you put up posters around town? Do you have a robust presence on social media? Do your Scouts have business cards to give their friends (complete with contact information, of course)? Do you set up a booth at community festivals and events?
In many ways, marketing Scouting is just like marketing a product. You have to get your message out multiple times through multiple media. A great resource is the website for the BSA's new national marketing campaign: "Build an Adventure." At the site, you'll find lots of resources, including videos, flyer templates, and social-media images like the one shown above.
"If you build it, they will come" is a great movie line. Here in real life, however, they will only come if they're invited.
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