This comes to us from Bob Carlson
The following is from an article about a US Submarine in July of 1945 that was off the coast of Japan. The commander was sending
a party ashore to blow up a train and here was his criteria for the men who would be in group:
The Captain established his criteria for the volunteer party:
[ 1 ] No married men would be included, except for Hatfield,
[ 2 ] The party would include members from each department,
[ 3 ] The opportunity would be split evenly between regular Navy and Navy Reserve sailors,
[ 4 ] At least half of the men had to have been Boy Scouts, experienced in handling medical emergencies and tuned into woods lore.
I wonder how many today would be proficient enough to comply with #4, especially, "tuned into woods lore"?
I would like to hear what you think and if you feel you would qualify. Please go to our facebook group and lets talk about it.