If your troop regularly requests certificates and letters from dignitaries to be presented at Eagle courts of honor, you’ll want to take note of two certificates that are especially easy to get.
The National Park Service and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service have both created downloadable certificates that you can simply print and present. The Park Service certificate is athttp://www.nps.gov/gettinginvolved/youthprograms/eagle-scout-certificate.htm; the Fish & Wildlife Service certificate is at http://www.fws.gov/letsgooutside/leaders.html.
If you’re also involved in Venturing or Sea Scouting, note that the Fish & Wildlife Service has similar certificates for recipients of the Ranger, Silver, and Quartermaster awards. All these certificates are a great way to reinforce Scouting’s heritage of environmental stewardship.
Republished with permission of Mark Ray at http://www.eaglebook.com/