While activities carried out in accordance with BSA policies are generally quite safe, accidents can occur. That’s why the BSA offers liability coverage to registered volunteers and chartered organizations. That’s also why it requires liability coverage for cars, trucks, and vans used in Scouting activities.
But how much coverage is required for vehicles? And is the BSA’s general liability policy primary or secondary coverage? And how do unauthorized activities affect your coverage? If you’re like most leaders (and like me), you’re probably a little hazy on the details. That’s why the BSA has long published a one-page summary of coverages, the latest version of which you can find athttp://scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/Alerts/Insurance.aspx.
It’s a useful document to review. Sooner or later, your chartered organization, a potential leader, or a parent driving your troop to camp will want to know some of the information it contains.
"Lucida Grande", Verdana, Reprinted with permission. These tips come from a free list service. For more information please visit http://www.eaglebook.com