After months of promoting itself through Facebook, The Summit Bechtel Reserve-the new BSA high-adventure base currently under construction in West Virginia-has unveiled a new website. You can check it out at
Like everything else about The Summit, the new site is an intriguing mix of serious high adventure and cool technology. And like everything else about The Summit, the site invites the active involvement of Scouts. In fact, Scouts who respond to the Shape the Summit survey have the chance to win a free trip to The Summit this summer! (Click the Shape The Summit link on the site for details.)
Participating citizenship is one of the three aims of Boy Scouting. What better way to live out that value than by involving Scouts in serious decisions about our new high-adventure base? And if it works for The Summit, how might it work in your troop? What decisions are adults currently making that would be better made by Scouts-or at least with Scout input?
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