Eagle Tip - Of Calendars and Conflicts
Scott Robertson

Eagle Tip - Of Calendars and Conflicts

By: Posted On: 2011-10-06

 I was working with a Scout and his dad recently to set a date for his Eagle court of honor. They suggested the first Saturday in May, which would have been just fine except that we live in Louisville, Ky., where the Kentucky Derby is held on-you guessed it-the first Saturday in May, making that day a major holiday in these parts.

You probably don't have to worry about that particular scheduling conflict, but you do need to take into account other potential conflicts, which means thinking about what affects not just you but troop members and potential guests. Start by working around conflicts with your troop and chartered-organization calendars, but don't stop there. What civic, religious, or sporting events are likely to draw people away from the court of honor you're planning? Don't doom your honoree to a small court of honor because you don't, for example, like basketball and won't be watching the Final Four this year (April 2 and 4, in case you were wondering). And if you live in Louisville, don't plan your court of honor on the first Saturday in May!

Republished with permission, These tips come from the tips list is a free service for more information, visit www.eaglebook.com.


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