This was recently shared on a Scouting mailing list and I thought you all might enjoy it so I created this blog post for you all...
The principles set forth in the Scout Oath and Law are the principles that guide every program at any camp. Camp staff members become heroes, role models and prime motivators of Scouts and leaders as they live out the Scout Law.
A Scout is Trustworthy
During an athletic contest, coaches substitute players in and out of the game. They call time-outs when necessary. and discuss game strategy between periods. Above all, they can see all of the players on the field or court at all times. At camp, there are no time-outs. There is usually no one to substitute for you if you "play your position" poorly. Whether you're leading a hike or fixing a leaky pipe, much of your day may be spent well away from other camp staff members. Your fellow camp staffers need to be able to depend upon and believe in you, your word, and your performance level. Do all you can to earn that trust.
A Scout is Loyal
Observe and concern yourself about matters affecting the total camp. Do things other than those camp duties strictly related to your area of camp. Pick up litter, give directions and share a smile. Assistance you give is just one more guarantee that our camp staff can deliver on its promise of a great camp week.
A Scout Is Helpful
A lone Scout's problem observed by you becomes your problem too, until you have brought it to the attention of the Unit leader or have made an effort to help the Scout deal with it. Refuse to limit your camp duties strictly to those related to your area of camp. Pick up litter, give directions and share a smile. Assistance you give is just one more guarantee that your camp staff can deliver on its promise of a great week at camp.
A Scout is Friendly
Ten words about friendliness. Say hello. Smile. Shake hands. Make eye contact. Use Scouts' names. Did you count eleven words instead of ten? Good! You were paying attention! Pay attention to the need of every Scout and leader to be served by a friendly, patient, dedicated staff.
A Scout is Courteous
You are Scouting's # 1 ambassador in your contacts with Scouts, their parents and leaders, and the public in nearby towns. The Scoutmaster with whom you argue or the man or woman in whose presence you curse while waiting in line for a movie might be a great supporter of the Scout movement. Bring your best manners into every situation, and be quick to apologize for your mistakes.
A Scout is Kind
Kindness is often interpreted in its relationship to animal life. The camp environment is home to an amazing variety of plant and animal life. Teach Scouts to respect and care for animals and vegetation in camp. Often this simply means leaving nature alone- to go about its business.
A Scout is Obedient
Carrying out your responsibilities to the best of your ability is a matter of critical importance. Don't take advantage of opportunities to cut corners or deliver less than a best effort. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn to do your job better. Volunteer your time and talent whenever needed.
A Scout is Cheerful
Cheerfulness is more contagious than any disease. It can be spread across a dining hall or campfire bowl in moments. On the other hand, it is a fragile creature, easily crushed by harsh words and disapproving glances. Invest in the spirit of cheerfulness and it will pay huge dividends to the entire staff.
A Scout is Thrifty
Protect and conserve the equipment and resources of camp. You are in a position to maintain thousands of dollars of expensive gear. Tomorrow's program budget is dependent upon today's wise use of program supplies. Also, consider your part in conserving camp water, electricity, firewood and other resources. Like the Native American; use only what you need.
A Scout is Brave
The hiring team did its best to assemble the finest staff possible, but perfection is hard to come by. Resist the temptation to join another staff member in an activity you know is in violation of your work agreement. Also, be wary of ill-advised activities among campers and leaders. At the most, you need to report it; at the least, it is your duty not to join in.
A Scout is Clean
Your cabin is a mess. The laundry piles up in one corner, the garbage in another, pop cans in a third. Everything else is stuffed into a closet or under a bed. You don't shower because it's a pain and doing your wash seems inconvenient, too. If this describes your personal lifestyle, organisms causing colds, flu and other health problems will soon be your roommates. The fact that your cabin is off-limits to Scouts does not give you license to convert it into a pigsty.
A Scout is Reverent
Go to chapel when you can. Realize that Scouts, leaders and staff members will have different notions about who God is, how we all came to be, and what our future holds for us. Being faithful in your religious duties makes you a powerful force in molding the attitudes of those who look to you.
taken from the Summer Camp Staff Manual, (March 2010), published by Cascade Pacific Council, Portland, Oregon.