Many years ago I created a large group first aid kit out of a tackle box. In this post I am going to give you a tour of my kit in the hopes it may help you create or improve your groups first aid kit.
As you can see its a pretty simple kit that has most things we need. This kits fits me and my level of training, skill and comfort level. Someone else who has more first aid background may want something even bigger. I know of one thing missing and that is a mouth to mouth mask,
The top section holds bulker items such as mole skin, ace bandages, antiseptic, matches, gloves, etc.
You will notice that all the drawers have a purpose. Starting from the top down. The first drawer is just the odd ball junk drawer it contains more matches, snare wire, screw drivers, pen and pencil, eye drips, knives, and a old snake bite kit I have on hand when questions about the old days come up. The second drawer contains some medical tape, a sweing kit, medical blood sponge, two sharpie pens. I joke around about the sewing kit being my kit for giving stitches, though in reality only as a VERY LAST RESORT would I ever use it that way. The bottom two drawers is the main first aid kit with bandages, gauze, candy, soap, tweezers, sticks to work as small splints or tongue compresses, q-tips / cotton balls for cleaning up, a finger splint, baby wipes, and alcohol wipes.
One other note, keep an eye on what you have in your kit restock it as needed. Also as things expire properly depose of them and replace with new. Becareful of any kind of medications, even over the counter. For example aspirin is not recommended for kids, also my sister is allergic to it. Others may not be able to take something else you may think of as common. If they need or may need meds they should bring there own from home with a parent not telling you they have it (or you hold it for them) and when and why they should take it. Generally in my troop we hold on to all meds.
What is in your kit? Have you ever needed for more then a scrap, basic cut, or minor burn? I can think of twice in some 25 years when we really needed the first kit for major injuries. One was a nasty knife cut to the bone and the other the kit didnt help much as it was a head injury. In both cases the kids came out it fine.