Hi all,
It is Fuzzy and Scout here… sorry we haven’t let you know what is going on for a while, we have just been soooo busy doing all kinds of fun things.
We went camping and fishing for salmon and also hiking and preparing salmon.
And now it is almost Christmas already, we are really looking forward to Christmas as it is a nice and cosy time of year to be with all our family. And (according to Scout) also the time of year to drink a lot of hot cocoa because of the cold. But when it is Christmas we always have to think of people who have less than we do, people who don’t have a nice cave to live in or have no family to be with. Also we think of all the soldiers from all the countries that are in Iraq or Afghanistan and can’t be with their families. We hope that you will think of them too when you are having your nice Christmas dinner with salmon (oh, Baloo told us you would probably have turkey or ham)
Anyway Christmas is also the time to put a tree in your living room and decorate it with all kinds of stuff, maybe it is an idea to make your own tree decorations with your pack or troop. We always think this is fun to do, although we never get to do the popcorn decorations anymore after Fuzzy tried to eat them while they were hanging in the tree and the tree almost fell over .
If you are looking for ideas what to do, we suggest checking out InsaneScouter as they have loads of ideas. Scott from InsaneScouter also asked us to remind you that you can upload information about your favourite campsites to www.Kampspace.com, if we all do this we can all help each other.
As this is probably our last report to you this year Fuzzy and I want to wish you all very happy holidays, with lots of salmon and presents (if you don’t want the salmon, please send it to us) and a grrrrrrrrrrreat 2010.
Your cubby friends,
Fuzzy and Scout