ALPHABET HIKE- Find objects in nature that have names beginning with each letter of the alphabet.
BIRD HIKE- Look for different birds. See if you know them by sight. Look for nests, but don’t touch.
COLOR HIKE- Find things all the same color. If you walk in buddies, one side could look for one color and the other side another color.
COMPASS AND TRAIL SIGN HIKE- Using the compass and trail signs, lay a trail for a group to follow. If each person is given written directions, it is fun to go until all have arrived at the chosen spot.
COOKOUT HIKE- Hike to a location and cook your meal then sit and enjoy the scenery and your meal.
FIVE SENSES HIKE- Smell, taste, see, touch, hear – find something with each sense
GYPSY HIKE- Have lunch tied in a kerchief. Wear Gypsy costumes and jewelry made from seeds, berries, grasses, etc.
INCH HIKE- Find things that are only an inch long- no more- and still complete
INDIAN STEALTH HIKE- a short listening hike- goes through the woods without making any sounds.
INSECT HIKE- you can just look for and examine the insects you find and take pictures if you have a camera.
PENNY HIKE- Heads, left; Tails, right; flip the penny to tell you which way to go
RAINY DAY HIKE- All decked out in rain gear, go out for a half an hour walk in the rain.
SCENT HIKE- See how many scents you can identify. Find scented plants like wild garlic and dandelions
SEALED ORDERS HIKE- several sets of orders places over an area. Different colors to indicate teams. Teams set out to follow their orders. All groups go different directions to reach all points along the way. All end at a Treasure. Often a skill must be practiced at the end of the rail.
SEED HIKE- Look for plants bearing seeds. Bring some of each back if possible. Mount, label and display for other’s enjoyment
SOUND HIKE- Listen for all kinds of sounds in nature; close ones, far away sounds you hear.
TRACK HIKE- Look for clear animal tracks that you know or don’t yet. If possible find out the tracks you don’t know and what animal they belong to.
WOOD HIKE- If you have to have wood for your fire, what could be more fun than everyone going out together to accumulate a pile? Make sure it is legal to collect wood.
Please feel free to add your own thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc in the comments section below.